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Re: B Part to "Step it Fast" same as A part to Reel de Nonc Will?

Bryan, the version I have is from Balfa Toujours Deux Voyages album.


The classical approach, at least what I've observed, is to put tape on the fingerboard and then as your skill level increases you remove the tape a piece at a time. I have several problems with this, one being that the violin is not like a guitar. The notes aren't exactly perfect across the finger board because of the slight differences of each strings tuning. When you tune a violin you tune the A first then the other strings together with the A. What that means is, when you tune your D string, it will more than likely be a little flat because your ear is telling you the A and D interval sounds in tune. If you check it to a tuner I guaranty it won't be perfect.

That being said, avoid the tape. I learned good intonation by playing octaves and making double stops with the 1 and 3 of the scale. I really started to learn intonation by playing my scales, any time I would make a wrong note I would stop and correct myself. Practicing bad habits enforces them.

Another way I've heard of is by recording the scales with a piano, keyboard, or even accordion, anything that will maintain relatively perfect pitch, and playing along with it SLOWLY. And play scales back to back that will let you really work on the intonation, E.g. play the A scale, then the C scale. You'll have 3 notes that were sharp that are now natural and you'll know if you hit the wrong one.

regiment your practice so that you devote time to it. Don't just sit down and "fiddle" around. For instance my practice days are Wed. Thur. and Sunday. E.g.:

Wed- rhythm exercises w/out and w/instrumentation
Thur- Scales, Intervals, and Double Stops
Sun- Bow Technique, left hand exercises

at the end of each session I work on 1 song that I need to learn as well.

Mix your scales up as well with melodic patterns so you become familiar with intervals. This really helps when you're learning cajun music by ear. You will really start to hear those notes you couldn't before. E.g. Instead of playing the scale the old boring way: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. Play 2 octave A scale starting on the G string: 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6, 5, 7, 2, 6, 1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5, 7, then resolve with 6, 7, 1, 2, 1, 7, 1.

Then to make it interesting go back down the scale starting on the 7 after you resolve on the 1 !!

have fun hope this helps

Re: B Part to "Step it Fast" same as A part to Reel de Nonc Will?

Thanks Christian. No tape for me. I can't do what I need by looking. I have generally avoided playing scales, though I can see that would be helpful. Was doing it today.

I just need to slow down and ingrain it. Need some fun exercises. Got the book "Hokum". Ever heard of it?

Re: B Part to "Step it Fast" same as A part to Reel de Nonc Will?

Balfa Toujours is what I have. There might be something else too, not sure. My band mate plays it on accordion.

Re: B Part to "Step it Fast" same as A part to Reel de Nonc Will?

Never heard of that book. I know what you mean by avoiding scales cause they're boring. Thats why I mentioned the melodic patterns. They sound cool, make you think, and train the **** out of your ear. Try it I think you'll enjoy the challenge and the sounds you'll generate once you get it down.

P.S. its easiest to start with the G scale. Tuned up fiddle of course.

Re: B Part to "Step it Fast" same as A part to Reel de Nonc Will?


here's a link to that book:

Hokum, Mel Bay

Jamey Hall's most excellent Cajun Accordion Music Theory

Brett's all new Cajun Accordion Music Theory for all keys!

LFR1.gif - 1092 Bytes The April 2011 Dewey Balfa Cajun & Creole Heritage Week

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