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Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

i'm not trolling. I follow this site often.
Your analogy can be two ways. One is a Cadillac with Hyundai parts inside. It looks nice but may not last. Then there can be a Hyundai with Cadillac inside. Looks crappy but runs and lasts. I personally know and think. (I'm from South Louisiana) that the latter is the case with Falcon. He has the name because Wayne Toups plays a Falcon but he just puts accordions together. He is just like a car model builder. Putting best parts together and using his name. Ask him where he gets his reed blocks.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

SAD, I don't know you and I wouldn't presume to judge you but based on your screen name, that you take a little too literally, and the statements you've made its time to grow up.

Never in a million years would I have the gumption to go on a public forum and denigrate the work of an esteemed accordion builder, much less with such a "sad" pseudonym as the one you chose.

Your analogy makes no sense and I'm worried you don't realize that you're also insulting both Hyundai and Cadillac in the process with your fallacious argument.

Besides being from south Louisiana (since apparently everyone from south Louisiana knows good accordions when they see them) what really gives you the moral high ground and know how to presume that one accordion is inferior to another? You clearly must have spent many an hour at Randy's, as well as other accordion maker shops, to know exactly which parts are his and which are farmed out to other reputable part builders, right?

Inquiring minds would love to know.


Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Insulting? Esteemed my ass! Yes I know all of them Randy .Marc. Larry. Greg. Elton. Jr martin. And others. I just hate people getting praise for others hard work. Anyway Chevy has Isuzu parts and Dodge uses Mitsubishi. I know my facts. Matter of fact I got proof that most parts such as reed blocks. Corners and straps come from one man.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Don't waste your time on SAD, I suspect that is one of the Elton's kids living off his daddy's work.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Can anyone tell me who is SAD and ADoucetwithknowledge JOHN ELTON DOUCET

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Maybe someone who knows about good accordions vs. Junk. Concerned that the accordion for sale is overrated.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Wow. I was gone all week, so wasn't aware of the turn this thread took. Kinda yucky, but I thank my friends for posting in my absence in defense of the maker of the accordion I'm selling.

I was fortunate enough to get to play several accordions made by several makers while I was at Balfa: Acadians, Martins, Falcons, L'Anse Grises, Ed Poullard's, Jude Moreau's, Larry Miller's, Shine Mouton's and probably some I'm forgetting. They were all excellent, and I would've been proud to own any of them (actually, I DO own some of them). What a lot of beauty and workmanship!!

I don't know why on earth anyone would run any of them down, but I've got a lot more positive things to do than engage with them over it.

To each his own, and bless their hearts!

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

"Wow. I was gone all week, so wasn't aware of the turn this thread took. Kinda yucky, but I thank my friends for posting in my absence in defense of the maker of the accordion I'm selling.

I was fortunate enough to get to play several accordions made by several makers while I was at Balfa: Acadians, Martins, Falcons, L'Anse Grises, Ed Poullard's, Jude Moreau's, Larry Miller's, Shine Mouton's and probably some I'm forgetting. They were all excellent, and I would've been proud to own any of them (actually, I DO own some of them). What a lot of beauty and workmanship!!

I don't know why on earth anyone would run any of them down, but I've got a lot more positive things to do than engage with them over it.

To each his own, and bless their hearts!"

Plus One Jamey !

Every one of these accordeons and accordeon makers has something to offer.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Someone Around Duson

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Screw them both buy a M A R T I N right John M?????

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Hire Jim Rockford *******.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

I already have Jim Rockford and Cannon hire.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Smiles - you can't lose with Rockford on the case! Best smart-assed detective on TV ever. Check out a movie called "Marlowe" with him in it, basically playing the same part as Rockford, but before it came out. Classic scene with Bruce Lee . . .

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

No more comments. Just do you homework on where YOU buy an accordion. Some are better.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Good advice. The proof's in the playing - always a good idea to try before you buy. Though I have to say, I've bought 6 of them without trying them out, and I haven't gone wrong yet!

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

I like Falcons because he uses shallow bellows, squared finger board, and he sometimes uses reeds that sound like the old Sterings. He learned from Shine Mouton. I have one of his (Shine) in D, and really like it. I've played Brian's and Andre Michot - both are excellent. I haven't tried Elton's yet. One day i'm going to get another handmade and put Hohner reeds in it!

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Hey TJ, it just so happens I have a Shine Mouton in C with Hohner reeds which I've thought about selling. It's the accordion I play the most . . .

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Really confused at this thread. Does the IP address play a role in this??

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Yes, I'm not the only one who noticed that:
"SAD" and "HERE IN LA"
both have the same IP address, meaning it's from the same individual computer.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Then another IP match.
Sad posted from John Elton Doucet's own computer? Check the IP's.
Who has access to Elton's computer?

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

You just proved my point

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

"No more comments"

"Just do you homework on where YOU buy an accordion.

"Some are better."


Please don't tell me what to do. I am an adult. I am an experienced box player/buyer. I don't need you to play one up or act as though others are ignorant. Anything you have posted to date on this subject has been known for years.

True, and the reason I buy Castagnaris.

As a final note: rather than play know-it-all, with no apparent basis for your "secret" (though well known) information, lay out your experience/credentials and real name.

My name is Jeff Hildreth.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

I'm not sure that it matters who made some of the components for whatever accordeon.

Most Cajun made accordeons all use the same brand bellows, most use the same reeds, buttons, straps, cheezy stamped corners, same pull knobs etc.
It is what you so with these when you get them. All these components are made by "others" and they, more than the reed blocks, bass boxes, etc are responsible for the quality and character of a box.

Is a Falcon worth $3k, not to me, but certainly worth it to someone else. We all have different criteria for looks, quality, tone and playability.

If these offending posts from sad and whomever truly came from Mr Doucet's computer, I have no doubt this will be disconcerting to him, if not embarassing. John is a rather humble guy with some serious skills. I would not hold any of this against him... rather than that..
John Doucet should be applauded for making it possible for others to build accordeons.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Not entirely correct. Randy uses bellows made to specific measurements. The folds are not as deep, and I think it makes difference.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Mac Taylor?Eliot Stabler?or "Just one more thing,Sir."

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Really? You are all wrong. No match here. Seems like Jamey's IP is similiar to others.
Boy, I sure stirred the pot with my comment. Maybe I was just promoting Falcon with my comment. It got some serious response. Maybe I'm Falcon, maybe not. These sites are supposed to be a forum to vent, comment and not have any repercussions. As long as there is no harm are libel its should be okay.
I can tell you I'm not Doucet. He would not bad mouth anyone or post negative about his fellow maker.
I was just posting my point of view. Just like you Jeff H.
I was stating that $3K is too much for the accordion. Some are $5K.
Thank you for responding and I will continue to enjoy this forum.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Mine might be similar to others, I dunno. I do know that I have never posted under another name or tried to hide who I am. No reason to. I've found I can start enough trouble all on my own . . .

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

"Not entirely correct. Randy uses bellows made to specific measurements. The folds are not as deep, and I think it makes difference."

Yes it is entirely correct and Falcon's "custom" bellows are off the shelf units for makers other than Cajuns. Many use a different depth of fold such as.... CASTAGNARI. Same manufacturer. Point is Falcon doesn't make his bellows, they are outsourced. I use a different depth of fold, number of folds and size...standard Cajun box is too big.

A few years back there was a video posted here of young Savoy playing accordion with a trio.. it was bad. Many comments were made. Shortly after, a newbie started posting in defense of Savoy. It was obvious it was a woman and I posted my opinion. Arguments ensued... Sure enough, turned out to be his sister.

SAD... your revelation that some makers including Falcon use Doucet parts has been posted here time after time in preceding years. You have stirred up nothing. You are old news. You seem to want and need attention very badly, might I suggest raising the level of maturity and depth of conversation. That would get you a few more points.

I post under a variety of names as I think it is boring to use the same name, and in jest poke at others who seem to enjoy odd pseudonyms or monikers or nicknames.. and a few who hide.

Beermo Garfuliak

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Sorry but he uses different sizes. Some may be off the shelf, but the ones with the shallow folds are ordered many months ahead of time.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

And they are made by the same folks who make all the rest of the bellows. All of the bellows are made to order, and take a few months to get. This is no big deal. Now if he was making his own bellows as does MELODIE and Bergflodt, just to name a couple, I'd be impressed.

I also use an odd sized bellows with a slightly different configuration.
Send the specs, send the money , wait for them to arrive.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Jamey did you sell that overrated box yet????

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

LOL! Not yet, you frothing-at-the-mouth Martin-aholic! To tell you the truth, since I've been back from Balfa, I haven't tried - too busy. A couple people there wanted to buy it, but they were waiting to sell fiddles or somesuch. It's okay, I'm not in any fired-up hurry; I'll hold it for them for a little bit.

But one of these days, I'll probably get worked up enough to sell it and/or my Shine Mouton, even though I love that Shine! But you'll be glad to know I won't ever sell my D Martin; it was more or less a gift, so I wouldn't feel right to ever part with it. Same with my C Acadian. Too much luck, sentimental attachment, and blessing wrapped up in each one . . .

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

Does the Shine Mouton have Hohner sliders?

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

I tuned that old Shine, and I don't remember if it had metal slides, but thinking it did. What I do remember is that it sounds and plays really good. Love the sound of Hohner reeds.

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe

I *think* they're metal. I'll have to look . . . it's out in the truck right now . . .

Re: Brand new Falcon for sale at Balfa - maybe


I,too,am very fond of the Hohner reed sound when properly tuned. I think most of the criticism of Hohners relates to what I call Hohner's "almost" tuning. Properly tuned Hohner boxes have great charm.

In addition to my favorite Italian made Castagnaris, I also own Hohners, the older and funkier, the better. I jhave an HA 112 and an HA 113 both in A.

There is a Shine Mouton box here locally with Hohner slide parts and undefined reeds; it is one helluva box.

I think that there is entirely too much focus on the "high end" bits and pieces that go into boxes and not enough into the character and soul of them which cannot be learned.. you got it or you don't. Shine had it, Richard Richard had it, the old Saxon, Bohemian boxes had it ie Monarch and Sterling .

Tue best accordeon I ever played was a 2 row Italian box from the thirties. Plywood beech for the box, cheap spruce and rough maple for the reed blocks.. nothing fancy and what an incredible machine. Other than properly mitred joints, it was rather ordinary in its construction. Crude handmade reeds that sang.

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