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Re: Resetting myself

David Holt,
Hey bud. I've found Big Nick's DVD 1 to be helpful in getting the bass side going. He runs thru things several times nice and slowly. Cowboy waltz.
The second thing was, thanks to Jim Pettijohn videos on youtube, doing scales while doing bass, chord, chord. Hold down the scale notes while playing the bass side.
The third was playing only the bass side in every push pull combo there is, i.e., bass/push chord/push chord/push is "normal." Sometimes I do only this just to cement that waltz rhythm into my left hand muscle memory.
Push, pull, push
pull, push, push.
You get the idea. That side of the box has to become second nature, subconscious.
Stick with it a bit. The better I get, the more encouraged I am to play more. Some of my crap is even starting to sound like music!
Well, it's Sunday morning, 7:00am, I think I'll pull my MARTIN out of the case and wake the whole house up.

Re: Resetting myself

Thanks Tim - I'll give it a go.

Re: Resetting myself

Same boat different sea.

Re: Resetting myself

Hi Bryan, "No 18" here, a delighted customer of yours. My mahogany "L'Anse Grise" is much admired, drooled over even, wherever it goes. I'm trying to learn from DVDs and CDs, but the instructors have a nasty habit of completely glossing over the bass, having laboured (sorry, labored, ha ha) over the treble ad infinitum - then they say "and now we'll add the bass" and - wallop, they add it, played fast, no explanation, no going over it more than once, nothing. It's all right for them, they do it without thinking, but not for someone like me who's struggling from zero. So what I do is to enter the treble notes on Finale Songwriter, then add the bass notes, which Finale puts in the right places rhythmically, then print out the result and learn to synchronise the bass from that. Slow and laborious, but it "clicks" eventually, and then I can do it without thinking. Strange but true. Here in Manchester (UK) there's the friendly and helpful Cajun Specials once a month to jam along with, but once a month isn't really often enough, but better than complete isolation.

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