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Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

I lived in Tokyo for 20 years and ran into many, many Australians. Loud, arrogant, rude and not alot of fun. No, he meant "retard." Wonder just who is making accordions that don't live up to this guy's standards?

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

After 4 years in the Marines and 24 as a fireman, being called a retard rolls off my back, I'd be more concerned with context, and I'll give Doug benefit of the doubt there because the Aussies I was arround were not as reserved in teasing as Americans are, which for anyone who really knows me,knows that fits my personality quite well.

I have a website, but am not capable of doing anything with it, but I can cut wood. I will concern myself more with cutting wood and putting parts together and getting better at working with reeds than getting more proficient with technology.

Doug, I'm not sure where he is in relation to you, but look up Peter Hyde, he makes accordions in Australia. His specialty is not Cajun, but I don't doubt he could make one, and I'm pretty sure he has.

Our accordions are mostly handmade, which negates making very many. If you want mass produced, you should be able to get a Hohner 114 easy enough. Anything you buy from here will be expensive because of shipping, customs, and taxes.

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Hi Bryan

I am at the top of the field in my line of work but if i tried to build a website people would say that it looks like it's been made by a retard. I wouldn't take that personally because i'd know where they were coming from & i'd agree that the website could be better.

From a business point of view it's possibly the website that is going to attract sales from around the globe & so it's something that should be created by an expert in that field.

I don't know if it's just google here but the few accordion builder sites that turned up in my searches were disappointing & made me wonder why a priceless thing like the cajun accordion is not being presented to the world on first class websites like it deserves to be.

Bryan Lafleur
After 4 years in the Marines and 24 as a fireman, being called a retard rolls off my back, I'd be more concerned with context, and I'll give Doug benefit of the doubt there because the Aussies I was arround were not as reserved in teasing as Americans are, which for anyone who really knows me,knows that fits my personality quite well.

I have a website, but am not capable of doing anything with it, but I can cut wood. I will concern myself more with cutting wood and putting parts together and getting better at working with reeds than getting more proficient with technology.

Doug, I'm not sure where he is in relation to you, but look up Peter Hyde, he makes accordions in Australia. His specialty is not Cajun, but I don't doubt he could make one, and I'm pretty sure he has.

Our accordions are mostly handmade, which negates making very many. If you want mass produced, you should be able to get a Hohner 114 easy enough. Anything you buy from here will be expensive because of shipping, customs, and taxes.

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

For me, websites do not offer anything in the way of attacting business. It's only purpose for me is an online picture reference for people to choose things they like or don't like. Also keep in mind, for most of us builders, this is just a hobby, there's not enough money in it to make a living off of, and a high quality website costs money.

That being said, as you've seen from other comments, being new to a forum and coming off with criticism as strong as yours, whether you meant it constructively or not, you should not be so surprised it isn't well received.

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Which is a nicer way than I ever would say it doug. You obviously know jack about Cajun culture, their history, and most of all their pride. Lot of people here being very kind to you despite the fact that you're a rude little f*cker who has a high opinion of yourself and a condescending one towards people you don't know. Ever occur to you that maybe they don't need your business? Or really give two squats about what you think is or isn't "retarded?" Maybe you might just STFU until you have a clue and then stop by after a while...

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Tom Quinn
Which is a nicer way than I ever would say it doug. You obviously know jack about Cajun culture, their history, and most of all their pride. Lot of people here being very kind to you despite the fact that you're a rude little f*cker who has a high opinion of yourself and a condescending one towards people you don't know. Ever occur to you that maybe they don't need your business? Or really give two squats about what you think is or isn't "retarded?" Maybe you might just STFU until you have a clue and then stop by after a while...

no way

i'm just trying to bring billions of dollars to that area & countless jobs for the people there. i'm sorry if i've offended you in any way, or offended anyone @ all there.

that's what i'm sayin. These accordions are not available to the world when they ought to be, & everyone would buy one.

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Tom Quinn
Which is a nicer way than I ever would say it

It takes a fireman to use a flame retardant... Good job, Bryan!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Doug as JB points out link #3 will take care of all your problems. Jr Martin accordions don't need to be tuned they hold there own because they are truly hand crafted to last. Doug by the way screw Zydeco get in tune with Cajun!!!!!!!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Doug as JB points out link #3 will take care of all your problems. Jr Martin accordions don't need to be tuned they hold there own because they are truly hand crafted to last. Doug by the way screw Zydeco get in tune with Cajun!!!!!!!

Thanks for being sane. I did not receive any mail with links in it & the links on google today just led me to closed websites. I did try to email Jr Martin from his website weeks ago & the emails came straight back saying 'no such address'. So that was a dead end too.

It is not just me that needs an authentic cajun accordion. The whole world is being deprived of them, except for the few fortunate people who are in the right place @ the right time.

They have a look & a sound which comes across on the net as superior & so why would anyone buy a copy from some other place.

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

it's just weird how there is an oversupply of every musical instrument known to wo/man, except for authentic Cajun accordions. something is very wrong in the musical instrument world.

i did not call anyone a retard & i apologize if it seemed like i did.

link #2 & link #3 ! wtf are they?

You hate all australians? They're like all peoples. There's all types mixed in together & you can't label them all the same. Maybe if we had access to Cajun accordions the whole country would be a better place

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

I don't hate all Australians, just the rude ones...

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

It's probably just the Fosters talking.

Link 2 & 3 that I sent you are a couple of Cajun accordion builders websites.

You know, the folks you labelled 'retards'

Stick to your diggery-doo. 'Mate'.


Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Unless you're a professional, the hand made ones with Italian reeds don't need to be tuned often. You might go 15- 20 years before it needs it. A good builder may not have a good web site. I know couple that are excellent and don't have a web sites. BTW I have found that Aussies have a good sense of humor. I think the members on this forum can make some good recommendations. I can tell you that its better to stick with Maple or Walnut because they are light weight.

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Here is a list of some Aussie bands that bill themselves as Cajun or zydeco:

Cahoots Cajun Down Under
Their website is down, but their accordion player did an occasional post on this forum.

Psycho Zydeco
Believe they use a piano accordion

Salty Dog

Squeezebox Boogaloo

Zydeco Jump

Here's a website to a company in Australia that specializes in accordions.
They have a listing for a Cajun style model

How much more help do you need?


Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

I wish I was a retard who can build Cajun Accordions.
Now I'm a teacher who can't retire.

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Well, f'all ye' Swamp Swinging Sheilas & Bruces o' the North; lemme unveil this Wannabe Cajun of ours calling himself Doug from Way Down Under:

Greetz from Retarded Wallaby Jock ...

PS if you want i'll hunt him down for ye', and feed him to yer cousin livin' right down here:

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

I have a number of Aussie friends who live in the Adelaide area whom I am proud to count as friends. I have never found them to be anything but polite and courteous ~ plus they all seem to have a keen sense of humor!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

yes that is a 200 dollar chinese model with short bellows being sold for 800, & the guy selling them says he has never even heard a hand made cajun accordion from Louisiana before. It's just a toy one more or less & is going to let you down.

I figured there would be rare bands around playing zydeco but i've never seen them in my area or heard of them. Anyway i come from a long line of musicians & my pa is a country singer who used to tour this country & appear on TV, so performing is in my blood & i want a real cajun accordion or two to perform with & not play with a toy one at home or only watch other musicians play them. I've learned what Zydeco is from watching the greats & I know it's in me to make zydeco music as well.

It just seems wrong that real cajun accordions are not available in stores or even on ebay! If I was in Louisiana i'd have a factory pumping them out by the thousands.

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Nick...as a long standing Aussie Brave I can only suggest this post should have been deleted at square one...I could say a lot more but won't ! Over and Out !

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Yeah you could hire a bunch of mentally challenged individuals to build them. Tool...

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

yeah delete it. those who it was written for read it

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Hi Doug ~

I arranged to have an authentic Cajun accordion shipped to a friend in Adelaide. I bought it on eBay, packed it up an shipped it out. Apparently it got caught up in Oz Customs for a few days because of "wood" (timbre) issues and import regulations, but eventually my friend received it....safe and sound. He and some "mates" play in a band called The Creole Cowboyz. I'm not sure how my friend keeps his accordion in tune.

BTW ~ it's NOT necessary to purchase a Savoy accordion to get a quality instrument. There are any number of accordion makers in Louisiana and surrounding states that construct wonderful instruments at considerably more affordable prices!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

That was nice of you to get an accordion for your friend. It appears to be getting used for what it was built for!

Yes i figured there would be a number of places making the authentic ones & was dumbfounded to find that the net isn't presenting them to the world like all other instruments are being presented. Usually a musical instrument is shown from many angles in high quality pictures so that people know what they're buying. There can even be video clips demonstrating how they sound. & that is for instruments costing a lot less than a cajun accordion.

I seem to have rubbed some people the wrong way here. I must be doing something right; so when I'm on stage i'll be on the lookout for anyone giving me the evil eye

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

BTW ~ it goes without saying that there are rude people everywhere. In my experience, Florida ~ especially in the Miami area ~ has more than its fair share.....

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

The legendary JoanieBlon! You must have been away for a long time.
I only know you from the instructions of how to put a picture on the board (in which I never succeeded)- and I've been around for quite a while.
Q: Why are there so few ladies here? We're all trying not to be rude!!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

I haven't posted in a very long time (!!!) because due to medical issues ~ frozen shoulder ~ I never learned to play my accordions. I was also put off by the constant bickering and and name calling by SOME of the forum members I still have all four of my accordions .... a purpleheart Martin in "C" with crawfish bellows, a "D" made by Shine Mouton, an unusual "E" with five stops made by Randy Falcon, and a gorgeous Bb with a center bellows divider made by Greg Mouton.

My husband and I moved from Tampa Florida to Lafayette Louisiana last October, so we could be in the heart of all the wonderful music, food, culture and friendly people!

There are opportunities to listen to local musicians or jam with them every single day of the week! Hopefully, now that I'm retired, I'll be able to find some time to start learning and playing my accordions! We both LOVE living here!!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Hey Joanie. Glad to hear all is well for you guys in your neck of the woods. Enjoy life!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Joe Kopacz
Hey Joanie. Glad to hear all is well for you guys in your neck of the woods. Enjoy life!
Thanks, Joe! Haven't seen you for a LONG time. Mike & had heard that Dwight is a part-time resident of Cecelia or Henderson, but we've yet to see him at any events here....hope that all is going well for you!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

You go girl. Show em what you've got

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Well that's awesome ! So let me take this opportunity it welcome you to God's country Joanie !!!!! Glad you came to join I. The fun !!!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Well that's awesome ! So let me take this opportunity it welcome you to God's country Joanie !!!!! Glad you came to join I. The fun !!!
Thanks, Rusty! We have been thinking about moving here since about 2001, but finally bought a house in central Lafayette and made the move! We LOVE living here! Such friendly people, great music, food and culture and so many things to do! There are so many music events that are free, or for very little charge, that we have a hard time making up our minds at times.

We plan to attend the Courir de Mardi Gras at Vermilionville this Sunday, February 16th, which features the Iota Mardi Gras krewe and the Pine Leaf Boys at the Bal du Dimanche. Look for a tall guy in a blue suit with a beard, a roach on his tongue, and a safety pin through his nose, and a small woman in a red suit with a VERY LONG nose!!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

We plan to attend the Courir de Mardi Gras at Vermilionville this Sunday, February 16th, which features the Iota Mardi Gras krewe and the Pine Leaf Boys at the Bal du Dimanche. Look for a tall guy in a blue suit with a beard, a roach on his tongue, and a safety pin through his nose, and a small woman in a red suit with a VERY LONG nose!!

Here's a link to the Eunice Mardi Gras run of 2003. Hard to believe this was 11 years ago!! Mike's mask is shown at the beginning of the video and his costume with the mask starts at 51 seconds in. This year, I chose to go as THE CHICKEN, which brought many comments....such as..."Go run, chicken....I'll catch ya and shake n bake ya!" I did have some concerns that some very drunk Mardi Gras might try to tackle me!! The music is by the group Mamou (Steve LaFleur on accordion and lead vocal) from the Ugly Day CD.

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Here's a link to the 2005 Eunice Mardi Gras run. Again, I was a chicken, but a different chicken than in 2003. If you look closely, you can see I have captured a little Mardi Gras who is in a costume identical to Mike's! Music is by the late, great Beau Jocque.

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Thanks for sharing that video with us. It looks like everyone was having a good time & your chicken costume fit right in. Beau Jocque is like a zydeco freight train comin @ ja full speed. Awesome artist. Thanks again

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Miss Joanie! Really a treat to see you posting here! Sounds like your world is still spinning, in a good fashion.


Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Miss Joanie! Really a treat to see you posting here! Sounds like your world is still spinning, in a good fashion.


Thanks, Griff! We are REALLY glad that we made the move to Lafayette! Now we're in the midst of all the music and culture that we love so much!

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

The legendary JoanieBlon! You must have been away for a long time.
I only know you from the instructions of how to put a picture on the board (in which I never succeeded)- and I've been around for quite a while.
Q: Why are there so few ladies here? We're all trying not to be rude!!

Oh, we're here...

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

Quite a few Cajun accordions are just suddenly appearing on ebay here in oz!!!!!!!! Someone with a finger on the button is reading this forum. Good work guys/gals

Re: cajun/creole accordions impossible to find in oz

The cajun brand accordion looks just perfect to me. The name on the front tells folks the name of the music genre the instrument comes from. Which will be very helpful around here. I just have to figure out how to view & buy one.

Jamey Hall's most excellent Cajun Accordion Music Theory

Brett's all new Cajun Accordion Music Theory for all keys!

LFR1.gif - 1092 Bytes The April 2011 Dewey Balfa Cajun & Creole Heritage Week

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