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Mr. Sterling does Tolam Waltz

For JohnA's open mic song of the month gets a two for one from me. Since I just finished renovating this old Sterling, here's it is. My favorite sound on these old accordions is the base side, especially the chord reeds, which are on big reed plates with all the chord reeds on the same plate.


Re: Mr. Sterling does Tolam Waltz

Mellow sound, if that's the right word and very well played Mr Sterling :-)

Re: Mr. Sterling does Tolam Waltz

It does have a very mellow sound. To make it easier to play, I cheated and replaced one of the mid rows with some brass bases Ciccarelli reeds.

Re: Mr. Sterling does Tolam Waltz

It has a nice coolness factor, Bryan. Are those standard issue bellows, or did you have to order to size?

Re: Mr. Sterling does Tolam Waltz

They're special order, Ganey, odd size even for Sterling.

I had some extensive work to do on this box. The most disheartening thing was the chord reeds. That is my favorite part of those old boxes, the sound of those chord reed plates with all the chord reeds on one single big plate. It seems someone tried to make this one a Bb, and had ground the push side to Bb, which is too far to sharpen back to C as thin as these reeds are, so I filled in the grindings with solder. I brought it back to C, but it sounds a little wonky. Most listeners won't notice, but someone listening for it, or someone with good ears will notice.

Re: Mr. Sterling does Tolam Waltz

Am I right that your accordion is tuned in C ?
I don't understand some of the button when I try to play along with you.
In the beginning you start on buttton 3 and on my accordion I need to play button 2 both push.
Later in the song I need to play the same buttons as you do.
Is that the cheat you were writing about in a former post .

Re: Mr. Sterling does Tolam Waltz

I don't know Ron, entirely possible I'm just playing it wrong. Yes, it is C.

Re: Mr. Sterling does Tolam Waltz

Bryan, as far as I know now it's only one time I think I have to do something different than you do.
I'm sure you don't do anything wrong and it sounds really great.
Need some time to handle it myself , I think.

Re: Mr. Sterling does Tolam Waltz


This is really close to La Valse de Famille. At least to my ear. Is one derived from the other.

Man.. you just nailed that one down so well. The waltz time pulsing.. Very nice.

John in Oregon

Re: Mr. Sterling does Tolam Waltz

To paraphrase a fiddler's saying, "accordion players only have about 5 songs, they change a couple notes and call it a different song".

What pulsing?

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