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How Much Should Accordion Lessons Cost?

This is a good question. Many people would say $20 dollars an hour, some would say $25 dollars an hour. Some more or some less. Some would say "well it all depends on who it is and if I know the person". When really the instructor should ask themselves what am I teaching this person for? Is it to make a living? Is it to put food on the table? or Is it to preserve a heritage that is slowly dying <-- This would me my answer.

I have been playing the accordion for about 6 years now (on and off). Starting out I had a little guidance from John Dale Hebert and Kaleb Trahan, but for the most part some from Larry Millers Book version. I purchased Dirk Powells first video, then the second, then Steve Rileys first and second, then Wilson Savoys, and have pretty much taught myself all that I know. I once signed up for lessons from a locan accordionists but when I found out the price I quickly dropped the classes.

Throughout my learnings it seemed like each time I would learn a new song I wanted to teach it to someone else, just so that they would not have to go and pay high prices for lessons somewhere. Now as I have progressed with my accordion playing I am trying to give to others what I wasn't able to recieve "FREE LESSONS". I am doing this through YouTUBE. Since I have become a frequent YouTuber I have learned more music than any where else. With all the talent that is here in this forum, it would be amazing the musicians that could be made if each one of you uploaded one accordion lesson. This is my challenge to you. Upload a video and help all of the struggling accordion players rise to become better musicians.

I'm not the best accordion player, but I enjoy sharing what little knowledge I do have with others. Please do the same. Cajun Music Lessons should be free.

Check out my YOUTUBE site.

Brett Thibodeaux

Re: How Much Should Accordion Lessons Cost?

i am not stating that i am a great accordion player here myself. when i was taking lesson's i paid 10 a lesson. the guy was giving them free but hit too many students that just didn't want to learn. i have been playing for 6 years now and i have had one student. and yes i charged 15 a lesson. he wanted to play but never wanted to practice unless it was the day i was to come. and even then he wasn't ready to play. so i can say this about free lessons, if i know it is someone who wants to learn and can come meet me i have no problem showing them some stuff. but in some instances where you have to go meet the student you have to come out with something to cover fuel at least. i'm all for your youtube idea and if i had stuff to do it i'd be in.

The value of music lessons depends onle of what you learn from them ....

I have been learning, & teaching later, all sorts of musical things and instruments over the years; i strongly feel that learning to listen to music the "right" way & memorizing what you hear, is the hardest thing to get done. If you get stuff in your head right, you can play or sing it somehow "right". I know a lot of musicians who are defenitely not virtuosos, and play more or less seemingly simple, but somehow live each note they play, and therefor sound really convincing to me. One of the ways to enlightenment could be is learn to sing the song first, or whistle the tune if you don't dare, before you touch an instrument. Do other things like join an amateur choir, a local brass band etc., just to expand your boundaries. regs, Nout

Re: The value of music lessons depends onle of what you learn from them ....

I agree Nout, I've heard many young players recently who play amazingly, real fast and fancy, but to me they often lack something. Emotion, tone, something, cant put my finger on it. But I hear some older players who may not play real fancy, but it can be much more appealing to me.

Re: Re: How Much Should Accordion Lessons Cost?

I think you bring up a great point...free lessons are nice, for a friend or family member for example, but people do seem to place more value on things they have to pay for and perhaps work a bit harder. You don't have to charge $10, $20, $30 an hour, but charging something seems to inspire the student and weed out those who are simply interested...
...first lesson free, second lesson an oyster po-boy, third a bowl of gumbo, forth some shrimp etouffee, fifth some boudin, etc.

Capt. E

Re: How Much Should Accordion Lessons Cost?

Funny you should bring up this topic ..

I've been presenting "free" online lessons for
years, and now I'm trying to figure out how to
make money for doing it!


Re: Re: How Much Should Accordion Lessons Cost?

When I purchased my first accordion years ago I talked to several older accordion players and they would tell me "You can't teach that, you got have have it your head". That was then now musicians have learned that they can teach and make a little money, it helps to pay the bills. Musicians have always and continue today worked some where to put food on the table. Music was a side line. I have no problem paying for my lessons when I drive a hundred miles one way to get them. I also pay for voice lessons. I need all the help I can get when it comes to playing music. So I pay what the teacher charges. And I appreciate their time.

Re: Re: Re: How Much Should Accordion Lessons Cost?

The price of a lesson is directly proportionate to the popularity of the teacher.

However, the best lessons are always free, but often very painful.


Re: Re: Re: Re: How Much Should Accordion Lessons Cost?

especially when you teach fiddle to someone who absolutely can't tell one pitch of a note from the next one up or down the scale, let alone tune the darn thing ..... nout

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

The price of a lesson is directly proportionate to the popularity of the teacher.

However, the best lessons are always free, but often very painful.


Re: How Much Should Accordion Lessons Cost?

Thanks for sharing Brett.
I, too, have been posting some material on YouTube to share. It's been about a year since I did it the last time.. I guess I'm overdue to post new material
My YouTube link is above.

Re: How Much Should Accordion Lessons Cost?

I, for one, have appreciated the videos on youtube from everyone. I havent had the nerve or skill to put anything on.

Re: Re: How Much Should Accordion Lessons Cost?

funny how people respond to youtube posts - i started for fun, after i bought my first louisianian built box last year- youtube was suggested by a friend as sounding post - then at some point thought: hey i've written stuff no publisher 's interested in, maybe i can find some one who wants to record some of it here .... and a request for one irish tune i just put there messing around (as request from a starting player too) draws the most listeners - but the good thing is the contacts you get from youtube, even got a studio gig playing accordion, did it with a piano accordion though; to many notes fail on a one row at times - nout

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