Welcome to old and new friends who are interested in discussing Cajun and other diatonic accordions, along with some occasional lagniappe....



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for rick, a subject on subjecting subjects

Aye Sailor, my cap 's off, & you win at a yard arms length: i noticed we're probably the last ones finishing off 50% of the properly started subjects with a probably too scary & murderous attempt for the others to do join the fun; even the more so when the subject has already changed completely to a differing subject the subject used to be subjecting to and about - nout

PS maybe all the fellow posters get fed up somehow with either one or both of us? give peace a chance?

Re: for rick, a subject on subjecting subjects

A'ight den... we call it a truce. Do we have an accord... ion?

I apologize for thread shift. It's not my intention. I probably should just retire from this board altogether as I find it increasingly difficult to offer any sage advice on any relative subject. I'm really into Cajun accordions, but use them in a different application than the majority of the good and talented folks here. I'm anything but traditional -- I'm more like a headbanging rock & roller with a box full of noveau zydeco-styled licks, so it is seldom that I either connect or can provide quality input on lyrics, Cajun history, accordion home-repairs, or workshop info. But I am amazed at the talented folks here that can play the traditional tunes like the pros.

I'm deep into creating new songs and sticking the box in places it's never been -- I write a new tune everyday and it rarely borrows from anything well-worn. That's not to say I don't appreciate good ol' fashioned Cajun tunes -- I do. It's just not what I play.

I rarely toot my horn on this board, I'm truly a very humble guy and consider myself an accordion hack, since I've taught myself everything I know by trial and error. I suppose I've gotten fairly adept after 15 years hacking the box and hosting a zydeco radio program on the Dallas airwaves for the past 20 years. I'm 45 years of age but don't look it and rarely act it, picking up my first box when I was 30. I'm proud to say I have done well with zydeco in Dallas and have managed to keep myself busy playing the entire time. I play as many gigs as I want to, and only play a few times a month because I enjoy my home, my wife, and my daughter. I'm also proud to be releasing my debut CD with T-Richard & the Zydeco Stingrays, this Friday.

I've got an off-the-wall streak in every facet of my life -- that's what you get when you cross a graphic designer/fine artist with a musician and disc jockey. Never a dull moment and on-the-go -- so much that I often wear myself down to a bloody nub. I cook and do dishes, too.

To me this board is an opportunity to just stay connected with the rare people who share one very important thing in common. Sometimes it's a creative exercise in writing; sometimes I actually shut-up and learn something useful and cool. But probably the best thing is the friends I've made in this forum. And for those of us who have all the accordions we really want, that's huge! You can never have too many friends... okay, you can never have too many accordions, too...

So for those I might've disturbed, please accept my humble apologies. And if and when you're in the DFW area, gimme a shout. I'll be glad to hook-up for a jam or a beer!


Re: Re: for rick, a subject on subjecting subjects

i was only jokin', just jokin'; a beer's fine, as long as it's not heineken or bud; and a jam's even better .... nout

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

A'ight den... we call it a truce. Do we have an accord... ion?

I apologize for thread shift. It's not my intention. I probably should just retire from this board altogether as I find it increasingly difficult to offer any sage advice on any relative subject. I'm really into Cajun accordions, but use them in a different application than the majority of the good and talented folks here. I'm anything but traditional -- I'm more like a headbanging rock & roller with a box full of noveau zydeco-styled licks, so it is seldom that I either connect or can provide quality input on lyrics, Cajun history, accordion home-repairs, or workshop info. But I am amazed at the talented folks here that can play the traditional tunes like the pros.

I'm deep into creating new songs and sticking the box in places it's never been -- I write a new tune everyday and it rarely borrows from anything well-worn. That's not to say I don't appreciate good ol' fashioned Cajun tunes -- I do. It's just not what I play.

I rarely toot my horn on this board, I'm truly a very humble guy and consider myself an accordion hack, since I've taught myself everything I know by trial and error. I suppose I've gotten fairly adept after 15 years hacking the box and hosting a zydeco radio program on the Dallas airwaves for the past 20 years. I'm 45 years of age but don't look it and rarely act it, picking up my first box when I was 30. I'm proud to say I have done well with zydeco in Dallas and have managed to keep myself busy playing the entire time. I play as many gigs as I want to, and only play a few times a month because I enjoy my home, my wife, and my daughter. I'm also proud to be releasing my debut CD with T-Richard & the Zydeco Stingrays, this Friday.

I've got an off-the-wall streak in every facet of my life -- that's what you get when you cross a graphic designer/fine artist with a musician and disc jockey. Never a dull moment and on-the-go -- so much that I often wear myself down to a bloody nub. I cook and do dishes, too.

To me this board is an opportunity to just stay connected with the rare people who share one very important thing in common. Sometimes it's a creative exercise in writing; sometimes I actually shut-up and learn something useful and cool. But probably the best thing is the friends I've made in this forum. And for those of us who have all the accordions we really want, that's huge! You can never have too many friends... okay, you can never have too many accordions, too...

So for those I might've disturbed, please accept my humble apologies. And if and when you're in the DFW area, gimme a shout. I'll be glad to hook-up for a jam or a beer!


Re: Re: Re: for rick, a subject on subjecting subjects

Funny ha ha not funny weird. Nah dude, word-up... I think this was a good opportunity to provide something substantial about the guy behind the kooky comments.

She turned me into a nout!
A nout?!
I got better...


Re: Re: Re: Re: for rick, a subject on subjecting subjects

I had a bird in the garden. It was a Noutcracker. I'll call it Rick.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: for rick, a subject on subjecting subjects

Awww Gus! Thanks man... that bird probably ate your okra and pooped on your windshield, too.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: for rick, a subject on subjecting subjects

No, that was another one,

But how do you know? Google earth? By the way, did you see my new 2005 subaru legacy touring with that green spot on the windshield? besides the parking ticket under the wipers?

That was an old time banjo player's left hand when I hit him in the fields. But I have to wash it off.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: for rick, a subject on subjecting subjects

really wonder now who's posting the last one on the subject of the subject about the subject and subjects of the subject of this subject thing - i am quite embarrassed right now - so maybe i'll put up an accordion question now to finish this unfinished business:
- WHO HATES ACCORDIONS MOST: is it : - 1) your wife - 2) your neighbors wife - 3) the mistress - 4) your mother in law - 5) your daughter - 6) the cat (- 6a a front or back porch toad) - 7) your once so friendly neighbor - 8) the local revenue officer 8) the police .... - etc. x

Accordion Haters

Good subjecting subject nout...

The only haters I've run across are those drunk club-goers that ask me to play Travis Tritt or Michael Jackson tunes. But I don't believe it's because they hate Cajun accordions. I think they're just toasted on weed and Tuaca shots. Most people don't even know what to call a Cajun accordion. I've heard, "That's a cool xylophone" and "I love that chest-organ!"

But then again, I'm in Dallas. So what do you expect?!


Re: Accordion Haters

When my daughter was four, I took her to she Clifton Chennier. She asked me whe was the man playing the chest piano. Hey Rick, at least she had an excuse, being four and all. And having me as her father.


Re: Re: Accordion Haters

Yo Jersey, yuh done good by taking your daughter to see the King! If I would've seen Cliff at four, I would've been a better box puller than first seeing Toups when I was 27. But then again, I might be bent over double with a frickin' 60 lb. accordion over both shoulders.

But at least I'd be chromatic!

[laughing like Felix The Cat]


Re: Re: Re: Accordion Haters

hey Rick, does that sound any thing near this?:
(link #3)
- PS; guess if an accordion that big, even when hanging from my poor shoulders, sounded like this, i'd for sure would be laughing all the way to the bank - nout

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