Welcome to old and new friends who are interested in discussing Cajun and other diatonic accordions, along with some occasional lagniappe....



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Hi (strictly personal)

I've been missing all the crazy (and, of course, even more often interesting) messages than run around in here. I haven't been around in about a year, I guess. I broke my computer in January, two days after I moved into my new apartment. Finally found a place in Paris--yay! Spent a great 18 days at home with the family in December and am still thankful for it, but happy to be back in Paris now as the weather warms up, the sun is out every day, and I spend mornings drinking tea and listening to the birds singing in the courtyard and the church bells chiming the hours.

We finished our CD in March and it is available now at our gigs, if any of you are planning on coming to Europe. All dates are on the band's MySpace page, but, with the computer broken, not on the website. There are also tracks from the new CD there. We recorded it in 1 1/2 days, while I had the flu, we had a brand-new fiddler, and the drummer had only practiced with us twice the two days before we headed into the studio. Now THAT'S rock-n-roll!! haha Hope you'll enjoy the tracks I put up.

I'm actually starting to make it as a musician here, doing nothing but, and that's exciting, although exhausting. In my "spare time" (as in when I'm not playing with the Cajun band or doing cooking demos), I'm playing a mix of Cajun, country and Tex-Mex (and what a mix, huh?) in a duo, singing in English, Cajun French, and Spanish. I'm also learning to play banjo, which I've always wanted to do--Mom and Joel play. Finally fluent in French, too, although I'm afraid I've forgotten my Russian.

Sorry to those of you who have sent me requests for song lyrics to my personal e-mail in the last few months and haven't received replies. I've been very, very busy. I'll really try to get on them, the ones I know, anyway, but I don't have time to listen and try to transcribe the ones I don't know--I'm working on learning new songs myself!!

Wanted to bring my accordion back to Paris with me to get back to trying to learn to play it, but Dad didn't let me, as he was unsure I'd stick around long enough to warrant lugging it overseas again. He's usually right, but for now things are going well and we'll see what happens. Oh, and I got to see the guitar Joel's making for me while I was home--his first acoustic!! It's very beautiful and perfect, like everything he does, excellent craftsmanship. Just a little smaller than my Martin DM, but I'm dying to hear the sound of it!

Don't know yet if I'm going to make it down to Saulieu, but those of you who do, if you don't see me there, come up and hang out in Paris for a couple of days after the festival!



Re: Hi (strictly personal)

Bonne nouvelle, enfin le CD de Sarah Savoy et les Francadiens !!!!
Mais où l'acheter ? J'habite Paris.


Re: Re: Hi (strictly personal)

On a les disques a tous nos concerts en France, Marc. Tous les dates sont sur MySpace, et on joue au Jockomo (41 rue Saint Maur), tous les mardis (et moi je fais les plats Cajuns aussis!!!)


My two nieces...

I have two nieces -- Libby and Angie -- who grew up in Golden Colorado. Both are tall, blonde and beautiful. They are in their 20s and both are actors. Libby has traveled all over the world acting, and is just finishing up a M.F.A. in Florida -- on a full-ride scholarship. She has already been in Off Broadway and television commercials.

Younger Angie is still in New York and doing Shakespeare. She has studied in London and is moving up in the acting world.

Bottom line is that they are living their dreams, having fun and working hard to get to where they want to be.

I hope you have a GREAT time in Paris. Give it your best shot, stay away from crazies and downer types. And tell that grumpy old pops of yours to send your accordion toot sweet or however you spel that... -L-

Good luck Sarah, you and your brothers are great!

Saulieu and Paris this August

Hey Sara..

Hope you make it to Saulieu.. if not my wife and I are going to be in Paris on August.. 12.13.14. staying in the Sorbonne area.

I'll have a Cajun box and a triple row for some Tex Mex..( that's mostly what I mess around with playing)..

Will check your MySpace out too for dates.

If ever want some Italian grub.. my dear friend Bernardo Cinquetti has a small italian restaurant called Pasta e Fagioli.. and he loves Tex Mex.. will send address or details if you are interested. Maybe he could use some Cajun cooking lessons !

Was great meeting you and the gang last year in Saulieu.. and great hearing of your news..

Ciaoo. Glenn

Hey Sarah!

Thanks for the update, it's good to hear from you. I can imagine making a living with music is difficult. I don't play out as much as I used to but playing for 12 hours total on weekends was wearing thin on my patience and love of music.

Hey, your dad is building me a lowwww G accordion. Getting it in June and I'm so looking forward to it. It'll growl like a bull dog!

Anyway, take it easy. Hit me up on myspace, I miss hearing from you!


Re: Saulieu and Paris this August

Hey Glenn

You and your wife are definitely going to have to come by one night to Jockomo or something to see us. We're actually going to be in Paris the dates you're here. And I'd love to go by and jam some Tex-Mex for your friend, so send that address along whenever!


Re: Hi (strictly personal)

Hey Sarah, nice to see you`re playing in Raamsdonksveer in June.


Re: Re: Hi (strictly personal)

Wilfred, Sarah, is this definite? (I knew they where gonna try to contract the band)

That would be a reason to go to Raamsdonkveer this year!


Re: Re: Re: Hi (strictly personal)

You have to come, with or without Sarah.
It's on her myspace page.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hi (strictly personal)

Ron, I don't want to become deaf and I have a very distinctive tast
Besides, that time of the year I am normally busy reading graduation thesises and checking exams. So...
It is the accordion player in her band who can play this 'He Mom', I am comin' for.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hi (strictly personal)

She's coming with her band.
See you there ?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hi (strictly personal)

Ron ?!, I KNOW she is coming with her band (actually I checked the festival menu). I like the accordion players accordion, nice wood. But on stage you won't see that.

where can I sleep? Is it a good camping ground?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hi (strictly personal)

There's a good campsite on the sportfields there.



We are playing both June 7 and 8 at Raamsdonksveer, and I think we're even doing two different sets on the 7th. They asked us which slots we wanted and I said, "All of them." Glad they took me seriously and I'm really looking forward to it!

We'll also be all over England if any of you are there this summer.


Sarah, once is enough

But your band would be the only reason for me to come to R'veer, believe me. If only you play 'he mom' Mayeuse Lafleurs version......



We'll be coming with a different fiddler than we usually play with, but this other guy totally rocks too. I'd better get to work learning Hé Mom, I guess. It's not in my repertoire and I'm not sure I have his version, but I'll find it.


But your accordion player played it in Saulieu, last year, on that nice light wooden accordion? And your mom sang it when you were a baby.



Oh, yeah, ok, Gus, then in that case I know it... "Hé Mom, a ou toi'tais, chere Mom..." Yep, you got it, but you'll have to remind me before 'cause I'm always forgetting stuff like that. We're going to play twice on the 7th and once (at noon) on the 8th, so I'm sure I'll work it into one of those!! REALLY looking forward to it.

Re: Hi (strictly personal)

Hey Sarah,

Nice to see you online again. It was great to chat with you before. Me and my friend in Minnesota, and you in Russia. I need to check out your Myspace site again, do you have the new songs there? This is quick response so you may have already mentioned it.

Oh yea, check out my YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/bayoudancer Besides the 6 video that I've got loaded up, I have links to over 100 other Cajun & Creole zydeco videos. I shot a cool video of Balfa Toujours along with members of the New Riverside Rambers, here in town, at Cedar Cultural Center.

Gotta get going, all ya'll take care,
David, a bayou dancer...

Jamey Hall's most excellent Cajun Accordion Music Theory

Brett's all new Cajun Accordion Music Theory for all keys!

LFR1.gif - 1092 Bytes The April 2011 Dewey Balfa Cajun & Creole Heritage Week

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