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The diabolic diatonic

I sat down with my accordion last night a played for a little while before I stood up. It didn't take long for me become completely bored -- I literally ran out of melodies to play.

Is it just me, or do most of y'all find out that there's only amount you can play with 10 buttons? I feel so completely limited... not only because of the lack of songs to play, but the size of the instrument, too. It also kinda looks like a small, old wooden typewriter.

Are any of y'all having any luck with your accordions?


Re: The diabolic diatonic

Be careful boys, I smell a trap . . .

Re: The diabolic diatonic

Yes, the diatonic accordion is limited, but still doesn't bore me. Try opening and closing stops for a different sound. Try playing blues, christmas carols, old songs you knew from your childhood and play with them. For me it isn't the number of different notes, but simply what you can do within the limitations of the box. Try different rhythms, play soft, play loud, play mostly on the pull stroke, sing along. Limit yourself even more...play only the four highest notes, the four lowest notes...

Of course, maybe this is why I recently started learning the mandolin... It can be frustrating when someone is playing in A minor and all you have is a C tuned box. You just can't do it.

Re: Re: The diabolic diatonic

Did I just fall in?

Capt. E.

Captain, my Captain..

Are you employing some kind of post-ironic Rickism there?

There's no A minor in your C box?


Re: Re: The diabolic diatonic

Yes you can. Balfa Toujours, La Chandelle Est Allumee, A minor (if played on C-accordion), or else B minor on D.

Re: The diabolic diatonic

Yeah, once you press each button, then what?? I've been considering just hanging mine outside as a bass wind chime.

Re: Re: The diabolic diatonic


Re: The diabolic diatonic

it might be time for you to learn a new tune... or to get some new cds and listen to more stuff... the more comes in, the more is gonna come out!
I play about 50 songs and there are still tons I'm interested in learning and playing...
You gotta love the sound of that accordion!
Lâche pas!

Re: The diabolic diatonic

That's why I throw the triple row into the mix! The scope of what you can do is vastly increased.


Re: Re: The diabolic diatonic

I'd offer that each instrument has it's own

The single row can do things that the three row
cannot and vice versa (at least, from a sonic standpoint.)

For me, there is so much to be mastered on the single
row in simply terms of execution/expression alone.

Kind of like a violin has only 4-strings, but one
can spend of life time to master the instrument.

Hey! .. What the heck did I just step in!?


haha, Rick if you're being serious....

If I find myself feeling like this it's usually my own fault. There will be months where I go without learning a new song..... But, if I feel like I don't want to learn a new song, I will revamp one I already know.

This was partially the reason I started coming up with songs with F's and Dminors

it's like drinking

it is boring when you do it alone. So never do it too long at a stretch.

But remember. Even a triple row gets boring. The combination of buttons is not endless(you can find out mathematically the number of combinations, but not every combination is agood one; same with alcohol) and the sound gets boring too when you hear the intrument alone.


Trap yes, but...

I rarely start threads here as I find it hard to think of something to bounce off you Braves. So, I thought a lil' humor would be good, seeing that it is Hump Day.

So what a better place to start — by picking on the one thing we all love, right? Kinda like a trap, but honestly, I never really get bored of the box.

However, there is a seed of truth in my original post. I don't necessarily observe these feelings within my own creativity, but perhaps in others that might get frustrated in their ability to find the things they seek in the box — I often read between the lines.

The single-row is only limited by one's own... limits.

It could be worse. Nothing against the awesome tuba players in the world, but... well... uhhh....

Talk about!


Re: Trap yes, but...

What's that on my foot?

Do miners play in major keys or is that the Major Minors?

Capt. E

Re: The diabolic diatonic

What are ya'll talking about? That little box has no limits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Re: The diabolic diatonic

No limits... true.... except for that non-chromatic scale thingy. But other than that... it's pretty darn cool!

IMHO, chromatic is way overrated and is about to play itself out.


Re: Re: Re: The diabolic diatonic

Turn it upside-down and play left-handed.
Easier that way, really, if you are ambi...,ambe..,
if you can use both hands.
The higher notes actually are on the highside,
so to go up, you go up,
rather that going down to go up.
But you got to be really bored,
out of beer, or just feel like
doing somethin' stupid.
Sounds terrible>>>

The diatonic scale is overkill!

Speaking of scales & restrictions.

There were plenty of monster "hits" that didn't
even utilize the entire diatonic scale.

A good portion were (and still are) simply derived
from the pentatonic scale.

So, who knows .. maybe we can get rid of 3 more


Re: Re: Re: The diabolic diatonic

Get yourself one of those "bending" diatonic accordions. Then you can play the chromatics!



Re: The diabolic diatonic

When I get bored with the accordion a pick up the fiddle. Then I realize my accordion playing did not sound so bad after all.

Re: Re: The diabolic gin&tonic

I've got a fiddle, too, and I don't see how anyone can play those things! It takes a lot more talent to get a good note off a fiddle than to squank a box! I usually result to gin & tonics to improve the sound of the diatonic. Like Gus sez,,, "it's like drinking!"


Re: The diabolic diatonic

It is amazing how alcohol sometimes improves your playing and opinion of the opposite gender.

I was told that I started playing the fiddle far too late in life. The secret was to sell your soul to the devil at a young age. Hence the expression "Thick as the fiddler in H***".

I will ponder the limitations of the diatonic box when I can play half as good as Ray Abshire or Jo-El Sonnier.

Re: Re: The diabolic diatonic


Time to pick up a guitar and take a break from the box. Always works for me.

As for the diatonic accordion, it simply helps to have some accompaniment. Playing it alone is tough.
I know of people quiting the box b/c they couldn't find a fiddler or anyone to play with.

Best to find some jamming partners or a few beers to make things interesting.

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