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Somebody doing a poll here on Southern Gospel Groups. Thought I'd pool my resources just to see what happens

Here's the link http://www.joomix.com/ just scroll down and check The Bruce Weeks Family Band

Maybe we'll win a catfish supper Bruce

Link #2

Re: Vote for Us

My vote was #39. Looks like y'all oughta start clearing off the table.


Re: Vote for Us

Little problem, Bruce: I'll have to hear all 67 bands to vote, since I think it is unsane to vote one and never have listened to the others.

Am I wrong?

Re: Re: Vote for Us

Yeah your probably right, but hey I'm a great guy who loves to play his accordion and banjo. I can't be any worse than the rest.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Re: Re: Vote for Us

Bruce, you mean the other Gospel musicians? But they are all Christians too, arent they? So they can't be that bad!

I was trying to find rev Gary Davis, but couldn't find him. Did they remove him from the list because of 'some' reason?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Vote for Us

Sorry, forgot the


Re: Vote for Us

I not sure who Gary Davis is? Was he ever on the list?

Re: Re: Vote for Us

see link #1, it's about Samson and Delilah.

link #2 is another kinda modern gospel I think, But is difficult to understand since it is mot my 'mother tongue'


rev gary davis

i think he is deceased

Reverend Gary Davis Home Page
Reverend Gary Davis, born April 30, 1896, died May 5, 1972, was an amazing guitarist and a remarkable person. This is a fan site with biographies, ...
www.reverendgarydavis.com/ - 24k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this


to Larry

Larry, I know, but thanks for the link!

was just kidding when I mentioned this about the list. Gospel is not really my topic, but Candy Man (also on utube, rev g davis playing) is an absolute favorite of mine and I can play it even blindfolded

But about the voting, I meant it.


Re: Vote for Us


I have seen your family sing on either You Tube or My Space, and you posted that performance on this site quite a while back.

Voted for your family because: A. I have heard them sing,( on Bravenet) and they sound good,and all your daughters are pretty girls, and: B, anybody who lives in Stuttgart, AR, needs all the encouragement they can get. Spent a year there one week. And this was during the Duck Calling Contest, to boot. Did like Mac's Prairie Wings, the Agriculture Museum, and the Lutheran Church, though. Thought I was going to stave to death. No Mexican food!

Re: You're from Stuttgart, ARK?

Hey Bruce, that's *my* hometown, and where all my close kin still live, when they're not ducking twisters. Ae you from there originally? Do you play the diatonic accordion? What church are you affiliated with?

Write soon and reveal all, Jamey Hall

Re: Vote for Us

No actually I live in Woodstock, Ga a suburb of Atlanta (sigh)! I picked up the accordion from my many visits playing in Louisiana. Bought my first one off of ebay, thought "man this thing is hard to play". I worked up some christmas tunes finally to the dismay of many youtube patrons LOL! Miserable playing to say the least ( man the banjo has been my thing with all the mountain folks of North Ga) I'd break out that squeezebox and folks would shudder and run for it. So I put it down for a while. Took another trip to Louisiana and visited with Marc Savoy who invited me to his jam. I warned I would bring the banjo, but he said "come on". So one saturday morning I sat in with a bunch of folks singing french which I couldn't understand a word, but I could hang in there with the banjo, because other than the language and beat the music is basically the same as bluegrass. Someone let me play there box while I was there, which I'd never had a real one in my hands, just some chinese junk. After 3 hours of that jam, sitting beside Wilson cranking on his, I must admit my accordion desire rose to the point of when I get home I'm calling Jr Martin. I would have bought one from Marc, but I love the Crawfish bellows (like that makes a difference ). Anyway after purchasing several Savoy cds, Wilson's DVD, every possible Boozoo recording I could come up with on Amazon, and www.live365.com radio louisiane I got it in my head. Now for the most part its as natural to me as bluegrass, I just still don't understand a word of french, but the tunes I can remember. Made up a few of my own tunes, converted some gospel tunes for the churches we play just to give some variety and basically just to have fun and entertain myself. Oh I didn't mention that talking with Larry English (major suckup) and video taping them at Pappadauex's really helped me also. Larry was kind enough to let me sit in behind them and record one of their gigs there. So there you have it I'm a Georgia boy, rooted in bluegrass, but fell in love with the diatonic accordion from our many trips to play bluegrass in churches in and around southwest Louisiana. Bruce

Re: Vote for Us

Oh Jamey I am also an Ordained Bishop with the Church of God, Cleveland Tennessee as far as church affiliation. Bruce

Re: Stuttgart confusion

Thanks for the reply Bruce - you have a fascinating history. JB must've gotten you and me mixed up with the Stuttgart thing . . . unless there's someone else out there from Stuttgart? In which case you have my sympathy and a few questions.


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