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Yet another makover of the G Hohner

Didn't really like my first attempt at decorating the Hohner, but this new paint job suits it better I think


Re: Yet another makover of the G Hohner


Just curious .. what kind of paint are you using?

Acrylic? Oil? etc.?

If this idea takes off, maybe you can develop a line
of "paint-by-the-numbers" accordions

See you at Augusta?

--Big Nick

Re: Re: Yet another makover of the G Hohner

Could it be acrylic "cadmium orange hue"

by any chance?:).


Re: Re: Re: Yet another makover of the G Hohner

It's just paint from the craft store "Americana" brand. The color is called "true red"

Nick, I unfortunately won't be attending augusta this year

My dad lost his job and doesn't have any vacation time on his new job. I couldn't go without him, becuase I don't drive anymore. Even if I could get a ride to Augusta, I can't do a hell of a lot of walking in the heat all week with MS.

Yet another great advantage to being neurologically tainted!

Anyway, have fun and tell Wilson Savoy and Jason Frey I said hello!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Yet another makover of the G Hohner

So sorry to hear of your dad's job situation. I was looking forward to seeing you and playing some tunes on the porch. I loved the Jonnie Can't Dance piece you did.

Hi Leslie

Yeah, I'm going to miss out this year. Wanted to hang with Wilson too.

Yeah, I'll miss you, wish you could get around to Maryland. We could swap tunes on accordion

Have fun this year :)


Re: Yet another makover of the G Hohner

uh, does color blindness run in your family?

Re: Yet another makover of the G Hohner

Me, I like it, yeah.


Re: Yet another makover of the G Hohner

On my computer this "True Red" looks like an orange color.

Genealogy like, I can't compare, as I don't know anything of my family ancestry.

Never met any of them actually.

Sorry, I can't help you there.


Re: Re: Yet another makover of the G Hohner

Twas the closest color I could find. I like it, just wish that particular accordion had reeds that responded better.

Hal, now I get it.

Actually, I'm not color blind. Far from it.

The paint company called it "true red". I played no hand in christening that paint.

Anyway, it does look red if you look at it without a flash

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