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I love that pic!

Very nice. Gus: Can I share this pic?

Re: I love that pic!

I used this pic in an evite party email and I heard from Gus' lawyer. Be very careful.


My lawyer

Sehr geehrter Maz,

Gus hat keine probleme wenn Sie sein foto verwenden oder teilen wollen.

Dr S. Freud, Rechtsanwalt/ Eierlikör


Maz, would you like to have the original? My lawyer said : Canadians liberated your part of Holland in 1945, so now you can do something back.

I can send it if you wish.


Re: Maz

Ha ha, that is so kind of you. No need to send it. I saved it.

Regarding WWII, one of my uncles (still alive and kicking at 80 years old) was part of the Holland campaign. He actually landed in Sicily (Italy) and took part in the entire Italy campaign including the famous bloody battle of Monte Cristo. They later went through Italy, up through France, then Holland and he came back in 1946. He is one of the most decorated men in New Brunswick and his name is Cédric Roussel. One hell of a tough Acadian!

Re: Re: Maz

He has been very very lucky too.
Or else the generals chauffeur?

Say thanks to him.


Re: Re: Maz

my thanks to your uncle too, and also especially on my families behalf ...

Re: Re: Re: Maz

He was no general's chauffeur... Artillery.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Maz

Hi Maz, lucky him; in the artillery you could shoot the boogiemen without seeing their faces. My uncle was forced as drafted 19 year old infantry soldier in '48 to fight in Indonesia; the dutch did really nasty things there as colonists; he never went back to Holland after that war, ashamed as he was for the Dutch behavior there and turned Aussie by nationality. - I'm sort of jealous of the pretty clean Canadian history as far as slave trade and colonialism goes at least, let alone the helping out in saving nations in other peoples wars. - As song smith and i even wrote a Cajun bluesy song recently, helped by Dowell Lafleur with my French, about the mechanisms the war makers and arms traders use to start and support wars, and get away with making their filthy profits. See link #3; be warned though, i have to re-record it still, as it was freshly finished when i recorded it, as with most of my other posted songs. - nout

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Maz

Very interesting song. I enjoyed the other one about whaling. Regarding the other comments, right now, all nations should be ashamed. There is genocide going on in Darfur and no one is doing anything about it.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Maz

Hi Maz; If you follow the money, as is standard procedure in most police investigations, you'll see why. In our type of society the big money and its real owners behind the scene think of the poor things like "useless", a waste of resources etc. That's why Birma is still in a mess, and that it takes a such a while before LA is getting back on it's feet so slowly; a "nice" way to get rid of the poor. WW2 and WW1 were about that too, get of them by putting a rifle in each hand and send them out on some hype to kill each other. - f.i. the Nazi rulers, and don't forget the "neutral" Swiss, at first got rich of stolen jewish property, itself probably already "stolen" through a dubious economic financing history of their banks. - If you really look inside a society you'll often notice that where the general people's attitude towards each other is nice, helpful and social, soon or later some corrupted mind or economic group will take advantage of it, either by "democratic" trickery or by force of arms, to grab power. There's an nice saying: Every government is a conspiracy against society. I maybe never really will learn to trust the very rich, unless they made their money on fair hard work or by royalties from either art or music. - the current rise in oil prices is also one big scam to clean your pockets out by governments and oil sheiks/companies; the oil mob really rules our planet now. So lets play ostridge and stick our heads in the music, more fun eh? - nout

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Maz

Interesting philosophical conversation. Quite a lagniappe!

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Brett's all new Cajun Accordion Music Theory for all keys!

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