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Festival in Raamsdonksveer

Hello everyone.

Just wanted to get a little more information about this festival. I will be playing there next week with the group "ZydeCane." I am looking forward to meeting as many braves there as I can. It will be my first visit to Holland so I really could use some guidance and would appreciate any pointers as to "how to survive in Holland and not look like an idiot!"

The band that I will be with (ZydeCane) is playing Friday, June 6 at 10:30 PM and again on Sunday, June 8 at 4:00 PM. Link number one is the Festival website. I see that Sarah Savoy will be there. Hope to see you there Sarah.

I should have a bit of free time on Thursday, June 5 and during the day on Saturday, June 7. Suggestions as to what to do or what to see while I am there? I could do a couple of lessons while I am there if anyone is interested.

Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer


You'll definitaly meet some of us, like Wilfred and Ron. I hope to be there too (on Saturday), but I am not sure.


Re: Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

Chris, great your are coming
I shall be there for shure.

Gus,don't stay away !!
And don't forget your ear-protection.

Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

Yes, we will be there, and Gus, you have to come man


Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

The festival in Raamsdonksveer is in a big tent with two stages. To survive it's enough to be yourself.
All the people on the festival are lovers from Cajun and Zydeco music, so they will adore you and your band. On the festival is also a camp-site and there are jams during the whole festival. For me it's one of the highlights of the year.
On link#2 you can see some reports from the festival of the last years.
See you there.

Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

If the weather is nice you could take a boattrip trough "de Biesbosch" See link 1.


Re: Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

Funny, only the Dutchies comment this post, but be warned: & don't go down the Biesbosch ... it's almost a bayou except for 'gators: it's got a share of catfish, pirates, poachers, moonshiners, snags, maringouins, ghosts of killed smugglers & jayhawkers from WW2 & an earlier Spanish war haunting the place & now you; it's got it all. It's a Disneyland for the tourists maybe too. Worse is when the boat sinks on you can't swim your way out of it, thanks to the currents. - nout

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Replying to:

If the weather is nice you could take a boattrip trough "de Biesbosch" See link 1.


Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

Hello Chris,

I've only just seen your post. Nout says only Dutchies have replied, so it's only right I should represent us Limeys. Me and the boss will be there ( she's an excellent rhythm guitarist and bass player)

We went to RDV for the first time last year and loved it. It's really well organized and very friendly indeed. Don't worry about language - almost all Dutch people speak excellent English ( well, better than I do, anyhow! ) Plus there will be loads of English C/Z fans, some of whom can string a sentance together.

Have you ever been to Saulieu? If not, don't turn that down either.

See you in Holland,


Re: Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

Hi John,

just back from the Cjun Companies' CD presentation concert at our Pop temple 'paradiso', I read that you come to RDV. Hope to see you there.


Re: Re: Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

We'll be on the campsite, Gus. Same van as last year. Ron and Wilfred know it. Should arrive Friday afternoon. See you there.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

Your English isn't bad at all.
You speak it as all English people should do.
How is your Dutch nowadays?
Who's the boss ?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

Thanks Wilfred - you're too kind. My mother's admonishments were not in vain! I try to make my speech clearer for folks like you, who don't come from the north of England!

You know the Boss, don't you? You're a married man!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

Poor old Ron, you shouldn't rub in like that John ... - Nout

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Replying to:

Thanks Wilfred - you're too kind. My mother's admonishments were not in vain! I try to make my speech clearer for folks like you, who don't come from the north of England!

You know the Boss, don't you? You're a married man!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Festival in Raamsdonksveer

I meant MY boss. But Ron has my sympathy, if that's the case!


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