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Pine Grove Blues / Mon Negresse - Vocals Timing?

Hi Braves,

I would suspect that most have heard and have
played "Pine Grove Blues" AKA "Mon Negresse"
by Nathan Abshire.

I haven't had much luck, leading this tune at
jams. Maybe it's my arrangement?

It seems to me that the timing in the verses is
more or less a free-formed accompaniment,
that follows vocal queues.

My hunch is that the chords are to change on the
last syllable of each vocal line.

Such as, "Hey, hey, ne-gresse" where the chord
changes from "D" to "G" on that last syllable,

So, as I see it, Part-A is instrumental & stays on
the root.
Parts-B is the verse and changes are queued by the
vocal, and Part-C is more or less a 12-bar blues

So tell me .. how is everyone else arranging this

Do you agree with my free-form analysis, or do you
count out the changes during the vocals?



Re: Pine Grove Blues / Mon Negresse - Vocals Timing?

Hi Big,

Yes, I think you have it right. The last syllable falls on the first beat of the chord change. It seems like it can be variable how long to hold the phrase leading up to that last syllable. When I have done it, I have told the band to watch me and use their ears, because I may not do it the same way twice. That is a valid part of the interpretation of the song as far as I am concerned.


Re: Pine Grove Blues / Mon Negresse - Vocals Timing?

Big up Bigs! I know you like the original, but you might give Toups' version a look-see. I think he named it "Ma Jolie" if memory serves me correctly. He really exaggerates the chord change. This version might help to get it planted deep, yuh know?

Is your version the Nathan with the Balfas or is it Nathan with the Pine Grove Boys?


Re: Re: Pine Grove Blues / Mon Negresse - Vocals Timing?

OK, guys .. thanks for the info.

I'm not sure who's version that I've listened last.

I must have half-dozen versions of the tune on
CD's, not to mention Buckwheat's "Ti Fille"
and CJ Chenier's version!

I dunno .. the arrangement seems rather intuitive to
me, but I'd thought I'd ask!

(I've wrecked a couple perfectly good jams with the
toon :-)

Merci beaucoup!


Re: Re: Re: Pine Grove Blues / Mon Negresse - Vocals Timing?

I guess that's what they call a "jam breaker"...
You see the same thing happening with Bosco Stomp and Jolie Blonde, it's like no two persons plays them alike...

Re: Re: Re: Re: Pine Grove Blues / Mon Negresse - Vocals Timing?

I'd have to agree with Nicole.

If the members of the jam have heard and know the song, it's not much of a problem.

But, if not, you can try to lead the jam anywhere you want, but it will only go to hell!


Here's a suggestion.

With a song like this, where I know there is a high likelihood of a chord change train wreck, I tell people to watch for a signal from me to guide them when to make the change. If I am standing (which is pretty much all the time) I'll say that I will turn to the side for the change. If I was sitting, I might do something else like nod my head. If they are paying attention, it always works.

At a jam, it is a chance for people to improve their skills, and one of the skills is giving signals and watching for signals. I wouldn't shy away from a song like this just because the timing is a little tricky.


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