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digging in Texas lyrics question

Hi, does any one got more (french) lyrics for two common "show stopper" songs; Diggi Liggy and Grand Texas?

Got these so far:

Diggy Diggy Lo from a Tracy Schwarz CD:

C’est ma soueur, Diggy Liggy Lo,
Qu’a marie Diggi Liggy La
Et ça reste dans l’grand village
Diggy Liggy La et Diggy Liggy Lo

Diggy Liggy La atrappe Popo
Diggy Liggy La mont’ sur l’plombeau
Et ça passé tout partout
Diggy Liggy La et Diggy Liggy Lo

And these, don't know from where:


Tu ma quittée, pour t’en aller dans l’grand Texas
T’en aller, toi tout’ seul’, dans l’grand Texas
Criminelle, comment j’ vais faire, mais moi tout seul
Tu ma quittée, pour t’en aller dans l’grand Texas

Tu ma quittée, pour t’en aller dans l’grand Texas
T’en aller, toi tout’ seul’, avec un autre
Criminelle, comment j’ vais faire, mais moi tout seul
Tu ma quittée, pour t’en aller dans l’grand Texas

thanks, - nout

Re: digging in Texas lyrics question

Hi Nout,

I don't understand your question. Can you say in French?
Do you want other versions?


Re: Re: digging in Texas lyrics question

hi Marc, oui, other versions, more verses, funny versions, or even parody versions: .... as example of the latter a nice one for Yesterday, and not written by the Big Apple Beetle himself:

All those backups seemed a waste of pay.
Now my database has gone away.
Oh I believe in yesterday.

There's not half the files there used to be,
And there's a milestone
hanging over me

The system crashed so suddenly.
I pushed something wrong
What it was, I could not say.
Now all my data's gone
and I long for yesterday-ay-ay-ay.

The need for back-ups seemed so far away.
I knew my data was all here to stay,
Now I believe in yesterday.

- Of course this is a perfect opening for our dearest Rick to immediately suggest the PC owners among us to buy something fruity that falls from another, and this time Real Apple Tree. - Not to mention another Big Mac fan: that Freakish Yellow pedofile Clown enforcing his marketer's strategy upon us by luring our kids in to the Ball Corner & suggesting them to persuade & blackmail their parents to buy more greasy hamburgers & other unhealthy stuff to happily poison our kids. - Probably this is not known in the US, but the Dutch consumers Union did some bacteria testing in the Mc Donald's Ball Corner once: it's proven to be one of the filthiest places you can expose your kids to; maybe a good thing though for developing a healthy immune system if they survive this awesome event besides the food they sell ........ Is there a song in this? - Nout

Re: digging in Texas lyrics question

From diggy liggy is also a version with something as
"cafe chaud"
And on link#2 you see a version with other lyrics.

Re: Re: digging in Texas lyrics question

Ron, you opened my eyes & make me think diggy lo and diggy la were dogs after all, maybe digging too deep for a bone. Or looking for Texas. With for real names Hip et Taiau? Explains a lot though, & i wonder for which part of Grand Texas they were heading. - Our dog just dug a 12 inches wide and 12 inches deep hole in our garden. Alomost enough to bury an accordion. My wife angry, because she had some unsmokable flowers planted there. Useless animals, dogs. Eat cats and frogs too - nout

Re: Re: Re: digging in Texas lyrics question


I resemble both the Mac and clown remark. I'm a clown on the Mac.... here's proof....

As far as the actual "Diggy Diggy Lo" lyrics go... that's just a silly song. Diggy Diggy La and Diggy Diggy Lo? What was Doug smokin'? I know... I know... "swamp grass"... he let us know that in 1972.

I've never been one to copy verbatim someone else's lyrics. I think that's rather boring to bake cookies all the time. That's why I serve Jello shots.

Diggy Diggy Lot

Diggy Diggy Lot and Diggy Diggy Low
Fell twelve inches in the backyard hole
The dog was hot and the dirt felt cold
For Diggy Diggy Lot and Diggy Diggy Low

Diggy Diggy Lot and Diggy Diggy Low
Everyone knows that dogs dig holes
Dirt's more fun than diggin' snow
Better get the shovel Diggy Diggy Low

Dirt's the place to find red ants
Where they're served with wine in France
Meals like this slow down the dance
Unless they get inside your pants

The dog finally hurt his paws
Now he's diggin' with his tail and jaws
Moves dirt out using only his nose
Next stop China Diggy Diggy Low


Digging Dogs

Hi Rick

great, luv' ya' (oops), you wrote this? is it (=lyrics) registered yet? Please do so, if i get my stuff together i'd like to record this one ..... maybe with my German allies & i'll send it off when it's safe. - nout

Re: digging in Texas lyrics question

Diggy Liggy Lo

A curious version for childrens (1970) by Claude François (french singer died in 1978)

Intro spoken :
Je vais vous raconter l'histoire de deux crocodiles
Ils s'appelaient Diggy Liggy Dai et Diggy Liggi Lo
Ils étaient très gentils avec les enfants gentils
Mais toujours très méchants avec les enfants méchants
Écoutez bien :

Diggy Liggy Lo

A curious version for childrens (1970) by Claude François (French singer died in 1978)
Je vais vous raconter l'histoire de deux crocodiles
Ils s'appelaient Diggy Liggy Dai et Diggy Liggi Lo
Ils étaient très gentils avec les enfants gentils
Mais toujours très méchants avec les enfants méchants
Écoutez bien

Refrain :
Diggy Liggy Dai et Diggy Liggi Lo
Aiment les enfants quand ils se couchent tôt
Ceux qui sont bien sages ont tous un gros gâteau
De Diggy Liggy Dai et Diggy Liggi Lo

Diggy Liggy Dai et Diggy Liggi Lo
Vivent dans un pays où tout est beau
Et là-bas il fait toujours chaud
Pour Diggy Liggy Dai et Diggy Liggi Lo o o o o


On les voit toujours le long de la rivière
Ou de l'océan ou bien de la mer
Et ils surgissent quand il le faut
Pour emmener les enfants méchants dans un grand chapeau o o o

Diggy Liggy Dai et Diggy Liggi Lo
Mangent les enfants ou bien les jettent à l'eau
Quand ils lancent des pierres en cassant les carreaux
De Diggy Liggy Dai et Diggy Liggi Lo

Mais ils ne sont pas toujours si sévères
Et je dois ajouter qu'ils préfèrent au contraire
Emmener les enfants faire un tour sur leur dos
De Diggy Liggy Dai et Diggy Liggi Lo o o o

(Refrain) x 4

Nout, I send you this song by e-mail

Nout email

Nout, what is your email adress ?

Re: Nout email

Hi Marc, nice stuff, astro@astromusic.org,
thanks, Nout

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