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Got Lost Tonight!!

The Lost Bayou Ramblers at the Lake Charles "Downtown at Sundown" concert.

And Finally...My Worst Nightmare!

Re: Got Lost Tonight!!

Is that yours playing the drums?

I've got it worse; mine has the whole First Act drum set.

Re: Re: Got Lost Tonight!!

Oh yeah! Three years ago, I set him up with an accordion for when he is big enough to graduate from his Hero accordion. Two years ago, I bought him a little Martin guitar to give him on his fifth birthday. Two weeks ago, for his fourth birthday, he asked for drums. My friends and family are all laughing because anyone who knows me, knows that I detest the drums.

Re: Re: Re: Got Lost Tonight!!

Yeah, there's definitely a price to pay when you encourage your kids to be musical. We started mine on violin lessons when he was 4, and the violin's his main instrument. But we also have guitars lying around. And he has his own little toy accordion.

And then there are the drums. I bought those for him because he loves to tap out the beats to two steps and waltzes. And he'll hop on the drums and pound out a waltz beat whenever he hears one. Trouble is, he does NOT have a light touch, so his beat obliterates the melody...and our eardrums.

But, hey, some of our best family nights are when we each pick up an instrument and we just go nuts. It's loud; it's nowhere near played in unison, and people walking by on the street give the house strange looks. But we're all happy while the noise is going on. And we laugh about it when we're done.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Got Lost Tonight!!

That's what I'm talk'n about! Hang on now...

I don't care if it's pots 'n pans, or wax paper on a on an old stinky hair comb... most kids have an instinct for making music, if no more than what appears to be just noise to you and I (God love em each and every one).

Seems they cut out the best part of school (budgets)when they diminished the music program here in Ca.
And, it is a sad thing.

While harmonicas were always part of my joy, very early on... I also played drums in band and orchistra (I was pretty crappy at it). What a dandy memory that was. Mom visioned me being a Liberache of sorts, and I was forced to take piano lessons (another wild story). My sister hated my drums (she was a dang fine piano player). When her oldest son (my nephew) turned 13, I got him a set of drums and started a ruckus. She cursed me for it in a sisterly way, though we are very close. I just wanted to let her know my dreaded sounds continue, even through her own off spring (ha). He took to em very well and went on to play guitar, in addition to other skills. Started a band some years later and wrote a bunch of music for others... changed his name around (Ricky Drag). Somehow, he got fairly good notoriety of sorts (in a genre I dont particularly care for). He and his band wound opening concerts for a band called Green Day. He's married now with kids of his own. His band eventually fizzled (everybody grew up I suppose), he still plays for his family though and is a great person.

I believe in the power of music:
A ways back, Chris Miller's kids sang on Fathers Day backed by a line up of musicians that was unsurpassed. I'm tell'n ya people, that episode moved me like no other. I believe that I will take the memory of that moment with me to the great beyond (when it's time). It was that warming.

Yep... encourage those kids, even if it appears dreaded at first! It is among the strongest links of creativity leading towards producing fine adult humans, right for the planet.

That's my take on matters of kids & music.

Re: Got Lost Tonight!!


Great photo's!

Yes, I do believe that I may have developed
percussiphobia myself! I'm afraid that science
has found no cure to date.

I just learn to live with it and hope that no one
contracts it from me during sporadic outbreaks!

re: Lost Bayou .. I love their groove! And Andrea
(I think that's his name) gets the coolest subtle
smooth rhythm going on that accordion!

(I think that Ray Abshire takes credit for "straightening
him out".


Re: Re: Got Lost Tonight!!

Kids and music are part of my afternoon assignment: bring the accordion and the frottoir down to the "Instrument Petting Zoo" at the EOH - link #2.

I don't worry too much about kids getting their hands on my Cajun box: it's built tough! And the frottoir is a hit, you bet! (appologies to percussophobics)

We've got a "maybe" on a date with Lost Bayou Ramblers for next year at the EOH (there's a grant application involved, and a tie-in with a showing of the film Dedans le Sud de la Louisiane). I really hope it works out: I enjoyed their company greatly when they came up (must have been) 5 years ago.

Steve Blais

the ramblers

3 of five of them look like they're at death's door. Must have been pretty hot out? They look pale, though

Jamey Hall's most excellent Cajun Accordion Music Theory

Brett's all new Cajun Accordion Music Theory for all keys!

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