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Letter to the Editor by Jerry L. Moody

Read the Letter to the Editor last. I should have posted it differently.

Reply toThe: Letter to the Editor by Jerry L. Moody

Hi Jerry, i got confronted with what's called so awfully by the music industry "Americana" these days, when i was at 18 back in the 60-ies, by a repatriated ex-UN Dutch army guy, father of a friend & bringing tons of tapes from an American radio station in Israel. I now feel i was lucky with such an awakening. Like home coming, maybe from a former life. Picked up a fiddle, started old time country bands etc. Also cajun music incorporated at times, all acoustic stuff. Never had much interest for the pop and rock scenes then popular, and MADE popular by the industry by force of advertising etc too - What i mean to say is that the music industry is partly responsible for changing the roots of folkmusic. In Holland long gone since the radio appeared pretty early by the Phillips factory etc. The countries were folk music is still alive and kicking are usually with a still rural, "poor" and a living proudness of their traditionally orientated culture. Like the Irish, and a blooming revival coming out of that with all its ugliness like the Raindance shows etc, again caused by the music industry. Or eastern European or African countries where they still make fiddles from cigar boxes etc.
- For me the commercial music industry is an issue to ban from this planet, along with the weapons industry and especially the traders in such hazardous stuff to mankind. Killed too many good things already.
- Cajun, among old time and the old country blues stuff and so much more are part of the soul of mankind on earth, and should be kept a live.
Maybe the best cure for unsocial behavior and religious fanaticism when you come to think of that.
- Keep on plunkin' bro', up against a storm it seems too at times. Enjoy the ocean winds, they clear the "air" of all the bad stuff coming from the continent as they say in the west of Ireland. - Besides, the whales got their music too, lets save them while were at it (link #3). - Nout

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Replying to:

Read the Letter to the Editor last. I should have posted it differently.

Re: Reply toThe: Letter to the Editor by Jerry L. Moody

Thanks a nice reply. I say keep the guns and get rid of the politicians. My favorite definition of politics is poly is a word that means many and a tic is a blood sucking parasite.
I don't listien to commercial music and I don't watch movies. I don't watch football, baseball, basketball or any kind of team sports. I don't listen to "country" just Cajun and some old time country.

Re: Re: Reply toThe: Letter to the Editor by Jerry L. Moody

YEAH! Ditto

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