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Re: H.R. Bailey Shop, Carver, MA

The owner of the tea room is making a gift shop/antique shop in the front building and the back building is going to be three condo units

Re: Re: H.R. Bailey Shop, Carver, MA

The previous owners of the building - descendants of H.R.Bailey - sold the building and property to Don McKeag, owner of the Crane Brook Tea Room, in 2004. The previous owners removed items that were personal or salvageable, but left most of the old machinery in place since there was nowhere else to store or use it. It ended up being part of the purchase and Mr. McKeag was free to do with it what he chose.

Two members of Edaville's crew were invited over to see if there was anything they could use at Edaville's shop, but the equipment was a bit too old to be useful, and they kindly said "no thanks."

It's unfortunate that this old machinery will succumb to progress, but there just wasn't the willingness on anyone's part to find it a home.

Re: H.R. Bailey Shop, Carver, MA

update -

I was in Carver over the weekend, and I spoke to my next-door neighbor, who is H R Bailey's great granddaughter, and she told me all the machinery was pulled out of the Bailey shop before it was sold. The machinery has been moved to a secure location and, although not set up to be operational, is at least intact.

- s -

Re: Re: H.R. Bailey Shop, Carver, MA

That is real good news, thank you for checking with your neighbor and posting this information.