Intense heat here has made my accordions unplayable.
I live in the Sierra foothills and it's been over 100 -- 110 many times this summer. Mid to high 90s the other days. My two Bon Tee Cajuns and my Acadian are all messed up from the heat. The felts don't fit right so there's all sorts of squeaky noises and unwanted drones. I guess I'll wait until autumn and send them to their builders to get straightened out. I tried Mr. Richard's number I found on the Internet page for his boxes but it's out of service.
Re: Intense heat here has made my accordions unplayable.
Where were you keeping those accordions for them to warp like that? How'd the wax do? Wax should have melted before anything else went wrong in those kinds of temperatures, but only if you were keeping them in a hot vehicle or something. I once had a problem with an Acadian. Rusted the reeds because I played the accordion too many times outside from air conditioner inside to hot humid conditions outside. Played it too many times near the dirty saltwater of Holly Beach too for hours on end.