The DVD doesn’t seem to be available anymore and also Almena Picture/ Productions doesn’t appear exist any longer. Too bad as it seemed to be a popular DVD.
If you want a butt jointed accordeon go with Savoy, Martin or Miller.
For a step up in design and workmanship
Try mitered corner boxes from Jude Moreau, John Doucet.. and I am sure there are others who care about such workmanship details.
I prefer Older (50s) Hohner HA114
Castagnari from Italy (have owned several) simply outstanding.
Messervier Quebec
Melodie Quebec (don't personally like the maker but the boxes are exquisite)
Jeff, you're right about Castagnari which is beautifull built, but the reeds are all standing up :blush:
My Falcon has also mitered corners and Rusty Sanner built also accordions with mitered corners because he learned a lot from the late Mr Randy Falcon.
Even my leak old Hohner in low G has mitered corners.
For me it's not a big deal, because I play my Martins Juniors with the same pleasure as the Falcon or the Castagnari :blush:
The Savoys and Millers I was obliged to play on , are also very fine instruments :blush:
Maybe it's time for The Mitered Corner Two Step :joy: :joy: :joy: