i admire your knack for getting to the bottom of it.
thass a pretty good joke that ben made about rc.
haw haw
ben go back to sleep you don't need to provoke the neighborhood
but i sho nuff liked your joke about rc
Ben it used to be republicans were disreputable all over the southland, due to unpleasantries that shall go unnamed but not forgotten. I think louisiana evidences that there are still a few democrats down on the gulf coast that aren't yankee sympathizers, and never have been, if you catch my drift.
Keep a weather eye to west, the pond is getting stirred up. Keep your head down-- the wind and the water are heading your direction.
Not much going on here, just preparing for the winter blizzards and such. Fishing has been good, I hope the spot I marked on the ice last winter is still there, it was good spot.
I keep playing Octa Clark over and over, hoping to sneak up on his good playing and make it mine.
I had the correct answer for the question as it was phrased. Most everybody else answered a different question: Are most Cajuns Democrat or are they Republican? That wasn't what you asked, though it seems that is what you meant.