I don't think that it's any kind of medication, either, because Marion Marcotte is listing farm tools that he received, and I don't think a medication would have been listed with them. It would have been listed before or after. It sound to me like it might "disc wheel" that he is saying, but, why wouldn't he have said "roue d'disc?"
By the way, was 55 years old, or older, before I realized that my father was actually saying "disc" in talking about that emplement. I always thought he was saying "dix" (ten), which is what it sounded like. For those of you that don't know what a "disc" was, it's an emplement with two wheels, with a "fleche" (pole) that was hitched to two mules/horses, a seat for the worker to sit on in the back, and had a set of discs atached below, and forward of the seat that would pull dirt from the bottom of a field row towards the top of the row (now called hippers). Another version of this tool, one without the seat, was known by it's manufacturer name, "un Moline."