An old woman (probably in her late 80's) came up to the stage once after the band I was playing with had just gotten done playing that song and told me about how her father used to tell her that they were going through bayou pon pon when she was around 9 years old. She was from around Lafourche Parish so I'd be willing to guess it was either just a nick name or a local name for one of the random bayous.
Excellent novel taking place in the bayous around Lafourche Parish
Very interesting...
I'm currently reading a book written by a Quebec writter who spent several years in Acadiana.
It is a really good novel that takes place in the Bayou around Lafourche in the 70s. Although it's a novel, it is based on a real life experience, when a Quebec university student spent several months studying the Cajuns, their language, their way of life, etc. There's also a lot of information on the Houmas people.
VERY interesting reading. I can't wait to finish the book and start volume II. I can't to go visit this area.
Books "Ouragan sur le bayou" and "La sang mêlé du bayou" by Lili Maxime
I just finished readding the first book "Ouragan sur le bayou" last night... Fantastic! I will be starting the second novel of a trilogy "La sang-mêlée du bayou" over the next few days (that was my Christmas present).
You'll find above the link for both books, and a link on the author, Lili Maxime, who spent lots of time down in LA. I'm not sure if the novels have been translated. I would think so. You can probably find out more on google. Good luck - If you find them in English, go for it, the books are worth every penny.
I wonder how much the life has changed since the mid 70s. There is almost a generation gone by. With the language assimilation going on, I wonder how different things are. I am very much looking forward to visiting this area. I would love to participate in some Fais-DoDo with my accordion. It is striking how the old Cadjin French ressembles the French spoken by the Acadians in the South West of Nova Scotia. I don't thing I'll have a lot of time during my one-week trip next April (Balfa camp, but this is something I really wanna do.
Salut bien! Maz
Re: Books "Ouragan sur le bayou" and "La sang mêlé du bayou" by Lili Maxime
I don't think the Lafourche Parish music scene is as grand as it is in the prairie region around Lafayette. However, you take a trip down La. 1 to Grand Isle (if you can get there, their bridge was torn up by Katrina), you'll see another world. Main street is a large bayou, with hardtop roads on each side. Boats, boats, boats, boats, boats, boats, and then some big boats.