Black Rose Pub is in Santa Rosa, Ca. North of San Francisco about an hour. It was our first real gig, sort of an unpaid 2 hour audition. I was just trying to get us some face time in an out of the way place, to see where we needed to improve.
We were nervous as sh*t, but the guy asked us back for a paying gig (this was billed as a jam). We knew we were not hitting on all cylinders, but he said he thought we had some talent and he'd book us for a Sat. night gig if we wanted. It was a needed vote of confidence for us. We were much more at ease at our next gig the following Saturday. For the Black Rose gig, someone there said we essentially had that "deer in the headlights" look about us.
Cayenne Jam Cajun Band is the name of our group, based in the Bay Area. We're not smooth, my intonation sucks on fiddle, but we've got some energy, so that helps.