yes! go with Joannie's mixture, but the main thing (no matter what you use) is to clean very very gently in a circular motion (almost NO pressure) and then to let the records AIR DRY in a dishrack.
Do not try and dry the records with paper towels, etc.
Thanks guys!! I think I will try JoanieBlon's suggestion and want to thank her and everyone else for the suggestions. I figure I will have to clean between 150 and 200 albums.
Those seem to be good suggestions. Assuming that you live somewhere close to this place, in February I talked with a guy named Walt Broussard who sells used records at a flea market at 5903 Johnston Street (about a mile south of Acadiana Mall). We talked about cleaning LPs, and he told me what he does - a mix of some really unusual things that I do not remember - but he swore by his method. You might ask him - his phone number is 337-984-3509. It sounded interesting. He even told me how he straightens warped records - something about placing them between glass and leaving them in the sun for a specified time.
That Genie-in-a-Bottle sounds interesting, too, even though it would take me forever to use 40 ounces of a solution. I just use a towel (placing the LP on it flat), a wet soft cloth and a dry soft cloth. That seems to work. I haven't really found anything to remove or at least camouflage scratches, but I have heard that there is such a thing.