Yo Aaron,
Old Pop Mason was always on top of matters.
He'd spin some pretty good stories that left ya wondering if it was a true to life situation, or just one of those fable tales that sort'a has a hidden meaning for folks to figure out pertaining to this and that.
I Asked him him once (when I was younger and courious about a gob of why):
"Pop why is it that when we go places, it seems someone always says ... Hey looky there's Pop Mason"
Ans: 'Well son, ya see... it's better to give some one good reasons to say there he is, than it is to walk into a joint and have your own self say.. hey here I am. Now then, if here I am is where you are, then where you are may not be where you outa be when it comes to folks that enjoy saying there he is.. and for good reason. Got that son?'
Thanks Nonc D,maybe he will get the drift.He still hasn't figured out if it weren't for his parents and plenty of good ole talks with Dad, he wouldn't be where he is.But he doesn't know or need us now-His Dad,is very Ill with heart problems.And just wants to be able to see his son-maybe when its' to late Aaron, will realize that.And remember all the good times,that Dad,talk about that the two of them had.He is very good with his music but it has gone to his head-something we always said don't let that happen-guess he doesn't realize it can be taken away as quick as the gift was given.
Re: Re: Re: The Main Squueze -- where ya at Aaron?
Prior to meeting Aaron in person I thought he certainly came across on the forum as full of himself with the self-promotion. I figured: even if you are that good, it's not generally considered polite to be telling everyone that all the time. I pretty much forgot about discussing that with him when I met him in person for lessons because in person he didn't act or speak in tone of the advertising language he posted. I believe Aaron is a good enough musician to not have to toot his own ability and, until his acts prove otherwise, I believe that he plays because he loves it, and not purely for the money. I regret that I didn't have a discussion with him about his postings when I did meet him, it probably would have avoided what I find to be an even more distasteful type of posting on the forum: one that tears down, rather than builds up - assuming that the poster had the means to communicate the opinion privately first, rather than publicly, and assuming the poster has more knowledge about Aaron than simply responding to Aaron's self-promoting posts.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Main Squueze -- where ya at Aaron?
I have a great deal of respect for Aaron even though I've never met him. I mean, anyone who could win a contest playing "Between Eunice And Opelousas" blindfolded, and play it better than Junior Martin's grandson (who is a stellar accordionist) certainly has reason to do a little horn-tootin'... okay a lot of horn tootin'. As often as I am in Sulphur and Carlyss, a stone's throw from Vinton -- I'm ready to look Aaron up for a lesson or three. I'm certain he could teach this ol' dog a riff or two.
Speaking of horn tootin', have any of y'all ever listened to Sean Ardoin and Zydekool? Especially the "Live at The JazzFest 2005" disc? Talk about some over-selling and under-delivery. Don't get me wrong, I love Sean and Zydekool. But... wow, Sean.
BTW, if you want to hear the best zydeco radio show ever, tune into my show at KNON.org on Monday nights from 9 to 10 PM CST. There. Hehehee...
just kiddin.' Please don't tune in.
Re: Re: Re: Re: The Main Squueze -- where ya at Aaron?
Sometimes a little talent goes to peoples head. It would be ashamed if it happened just because he knows how to play a button accordion well. Man that's just not that much of a big deal. It ain't rocket science. But then this forum draws all kinds. Even those bragging about using a certain computer. Wow! Who cares!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Main Squueze -- where ya at Aaron?
This is a first time for me to post on the forum. The only reason I was moved to post in the first place is because when I came home from shopping I found Aaron a bit upset about some negative postings in response to him getting the word out about his upcoming gig this Sunday. I read his post and all others and I honestly dont see where he was "tooting his own horn" or being boastful any more than any other musician out there advertising their gigs. He was speaking of the dance in a positive light and SOME of you took it as him bragging on his own accordian abilities. Thats the farest from the truth. Aaron is amazingly talented but he seems to think he is only an average player. I hear this on a daily basis... "I wish I was that good" or... "he's much better than me" (speaking of various other accordianists). In my own personal opinion (and yes.. its just a personal opinion) I do think Aaron is as good as the best out there and should be proud of his accomplishments. When a person achieves something and is proud of it he is put down for being "boastful". There's an old saying that says it's only bragging if you cant back it up and Aaron Chesson can definately back it.
As for his "MOM" posting personal griefs on here, it has already been established many times that the woman needs to keep the family drama off the board. If you people only knew HALF of the reason's Aaron has seperated himself from her you'd understand more but all you is one side(Hers). She does nothing but put him down and throw guilt trips and pity parties. Just goes to show whos the more mature out of the two. One that constantly posts personal family drama... and one that doesnt and only sticks to the basis of the forum... CAJUN MUSIC.
I do hope the locals can come out this Sunday and see for yourselves what a true talent Aaron Chesson is. Form your own opinions based on what you see and hear...not what you read and take the wrong way. I guarntee you will have a great time.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Main Squueze -- where ya at Aaron?
I'be been in and around this music for 14 years now and have come to find that some of the most talented players are those who are the humblest of people, if such a word... When a good compliment is given of free will it is a wonderful feeling, when it is given of request it takes on a different meaning. As for the Shootout in Jennings, some might say that the judges of the contest need a little more education in cajun music, song accuracy was a major judging point and it is of debate that the judges were not well versed in "song accuracy", i.e. playing the correct turn in Between Eunice & Opelousas.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Main Squueze -- where ya at Aaron?
I have been to many accordion contest and can tell you that they are not a good judge of accordion playing. Also Jennings is not a good place to have a contest because they are new to the cajun music scene as compared to the Lafayette area.
Bill E. Jennings new to cajun music? Where you from? I was born and raised in Jennings and Im 50 years old. I remember riding my bike as a kid to hear the jam sessions every weekend at Purvis Clements barbershop. Blackie Forstier, a pioneer in the music lived down the street from me. For more than 50 years, way more, cajun music has thrived in the Jennings area. The Jeff Davis Parish Fair was and still is as far as I know,the only fair that used cajun music on the carosel. Try telling a Jerry Dugas Jennings is new to cajun music.. Now I'll agree Jennings itself is not as big as Lafayette but Cajun music in Jennings is just as big...my humble opinion only..
yea when i read that about jennings i was confused also lol...jennings new to cajun music? :)
lets see..we have eddie lejeune,doug kershaw, ed gary,blackie forestier,lanor records,KJEF radio..the station paul marx of KBON cut his teeth on,fews miles to the south in lake arthur varise conner, and countless other cajun musician's in jennings past and present....yup cajun music is new to jennings