You're wabbling around in pirogue, w/ no paddle and no pole to navigate with in the middle of a dry field. You could always fish!
......... STORY TIME ..............
Came upon a big ole huge field of dry weeds once.
In the middle of this field was guy sitting in jon boat fishing with a pole, in all that dirt and dry weeds. He was serious as could be. Asked him: Ya catching anything?.. nope! What bait ya using? Worm!
I drove on up to this house after that, near where he was. This older woman come out on the porch as I drove up. Poked my head out the window and said;
"Ma'am, is that your boy out in that field fishing?" 'Yeah, that's my boy'
"Ma'am, don't know if he's quite right with the world, no offence nor anything."
' Nah that's quite alright, I can tell ya he's slow for sure, but he's a good boy.'
"Ma'am, that boys fishing in a dry field."
'Oh I know it, and that one loves to fish I can tell you, always has. A dang good fisherman, that boy is.'
"Ever think of having him checked to see if something can help him out with matters?"
'Well , yeah I thought about it.. but we aint got much money and food doesn't come all that cheap these days... and then ya see we can always use the fish.'
Funny ... but not so funny.
There's always help and hope for those that seek it.
Dude YOU better not give it up!!! WE aint got started yet...I had the same brain fart once..One afternoon I sold 2 guitars, a banjo and a set of drums...vowed never to touch them again..That was one stupid move on my part and I regret the hell out of it...It'll pass whatever it is..You're young and got alot of road ahead of you...It'll get better. Call if you need anything at all.....
Do me a favor and keep playing.I'v played with some
real good accordion players, and you rank as one of the
top,young players,in my book.Just wish we could have
the cd we cut and hear.GREAT old stuff!
So don't let another fantastic player die,because
of hard times,we all have them.
Later my friend Elzie
You are sooo right Mr.Elzie, it would be nice to finish the C.d that you all started.Being me and Aaron's Dad,has offered to pay for it so many times.All thats left is for aaron,to relay the accordian tracks.Take care,we miss seeing you and jamming Aarons Parents.