how every bodde is here man lawd i have been busy yea my crops is bustin up lawd what a raain we had yesterdey 3 inchs i figgerd out we cought is we still gonna have that benfet for that girl heer yall was taken up money for her is she ok or stll sick well we get our computters back fridey i got some sufferd okeree and rice and fried me and momma some makerall patteys raymond my boy aint been home for a week i think hes drankin agin well got to go---teebooger
Some of the "non-accordion" stuff falls under "laniappe." Just ignore the posts and don't respond to them if they're not your your cup of tea or can of beer.
Address: 203 David Boyd Hall
City: Baton Rouge
StateProv: LA
PostalCode: 70803
Country: US
Just show copies of his posts to his Profs. They'll applaud his "kreaduve rightin'" -- he'll advance to an early graduation and be forced to work for a living. He'll then have money to buy a good used Chinese box in C. He'll then be forced to post legitimate questions about accordions and songs like the rest of us.
Yeah, that's true! The Booger is a Proud and Loyal LSU fan, Coonass and Cajun. Born and bred, his family for generations, in southern Louisiana. Don't know why he hasn't picked up the wooden box. But apparently his boy Raymond plays tee-fer in a band -- or perhaps he's just in need to sound the dinner bell when Mama's taters are on the table.
wach that coonass stuf we do go for it heer why do folks get upsit when i talk heer i try to hepl you yung folk heer that the probulm yall dont want to heer what the old pleple say call me dunk dumbs and so forft you should sall be ashmed them ones who talk dirt about us--teebooger
It's because you are a phony - somebody might talk like that, but it doesn't work when it's written out. It is a nice try at parody, but it is so obviously fake that it ends up not being funny at all.