Can't tell about the three row, but the ten button is a Bon Cajun. Larry offered to build a proper left handed one for him, but the family said no thanks, he's doing OK as is.
Inasmuch as Guyland's playing upsidedown and backwards, he must be able to pick the tunes out by ear. It would be almost impossible for a right handed player to show him fingering.
He plays a Bon Cajun and a Panther triple. I had the real pleasure of meeting him and jamming a little with him at Buffalo Gap 2 years ago. He was just getting started on the triple back then and his uncle Jeffrey Broussard was suprised at how advanced he had gotten in just a short time. I was too. I have a great pic of him playing my triple. Someday I'll ask him to autograph it for me. And he can sing unbelievably too. Did I steal some of his licks? You bet I did.
yes upside down so it is hard to steal his licks! But it can be done. Seriously, he is a gifted musician and will be A Zydeco superstar. Maybe he will be the one to bring this wonderful music into the big leagues and fill arenas like Kenny Chesney. Of course there are plenty of people who, despite what they say, don't really want that to happen. These are the same people who gripe about the cover (no matter what it is)and then always complain about the music; too fast, too loud, too long, too short, too much guitar, too much piano note, not enough piano note, not enough waltzes, too many watzes, etc.