I was just wondering, what was the first song that you learned well enough to get up in front of people and play "confidently". I bet this could make for some pretty interesting stories!!! Feel free to share any!
For me it was Johnny Can't Dance, fell in love with the tune, and spent a whole evening on it....still like to bust out that tune a lot. The only interesting story for me is that I learned all G songs to start out, as that's what all the ones I liked were in.
The first time I got up in front of someone to play a whole song was at our post Dimance Gras festivity that you should have come to. At the time, the Eunice Two Step was the one I was most comfortable with. It went ok, but I drew a blank on the turn. Luckily there were some good musicians who covered it. I was so nervous, even in front of people I knew well, I looked down the whole time. Pretty cool feeling to play with a band though.
Point au Pin on a piano accordion, but that didn't work. Then Tit monde on a two row diatonic playing on one row.
La Port d'en Arriére was the first on a ten button box.
I think that my first was a shaky version of High Point Two Step from Dirk's video. My cousin and I decided to record ourselves on a little tape recorder last night. We did High Point and a couple of other songs to the tune of a case and half of Bud Light. Really good time. I just wish I could sing