I agree Bryan. One of the best video's ever. It seems strange to see Bois Sec so young. I go to the same church as him. He will be greatly missed once he is gone. But it is great to see his family keeping up with the music. Although his grandson and others in his family play mostly zydeco, I have seen them play old time creole music at our church bazarre and believe me, they can really get it done.
My mom likes to tell me a story about Bois Sec. When she was pregnant for me, my dad,her, my brother, and my grandfather were all sitting around barbequing. She said my dad and grandfather were pretty lit and my grandfather remembered it was Bois Sec's birthday and he was having a party at his farm. Mom said she got voted to be Desig. Driver and they all took off to his house. She said it was soooo cool to see her dad and some really good musicians just sitting on the steps jamming out. So while I have never actually met Bois Sec, I guess I have been to his house...lol..