Travis, I was just wondering--Now that you've amassed so many fans across the nation, have you thought about doing a solo album of traditional songs that influenced you? You called yourself "the horse that's leading them to [my] water". Don't you think it would lead a lot more people? Show them more about where you're coming from? Just a thought...
Ha, that is possible!?
Our CD projects take nearly the whole year to complete and takes so much money in doing so and band time that it is hard to set time aside to slip another project in?
I would rather one day assemble a CD that featured all of the great accordion players around our area that would be on one CD! Could you imagine Walter Mouton, Marc Savoy, Steve Riley, Ricky Bearb, Jason Frey and accordion players of that caliber on one CD with a kick a*s band behind them and a well produced CD! That would be awesome!
That is something I've been wanting to do for a while! I have the sound in my head how I would want it to sound like and be produced. I think recording this on old Ampex Tube recorders with Tube preamps and doing it old style with everyone in the same room recording at the same time with no over dubs would be truly classic!
I have bigger plans for that project than my own traditional project?
So, hopefully one's just to get all of these guys to record!ha
I think you make a really great point here, Bryan, and I couldn't agree more. I think that all the labels only take away from the richness of our culture. That's the main reason I'm so against the idea of there being a Grammy for Cajun/Zydeco music. Cajun music is Cajun music, but there are a lot of subcategories and sub-subcategories that we can go into. For example, we can have Iry doing one thing, Belton doing another, the Hackberry Ramblers doing another, etc. The same goes for Zydeco. And what was Amedee doing? "The Roots of Zydeco" sound so entirely Cajun? Hmmm...
No. It's TOO hard to label all our music and why try to define away the beauty and mystery that attract so many people to it?
I just want everyone to understand that Louisiana music should be viewed very, VERY separately from any other world music. We have the traditional stuff and we have the pop stuff. Zach, Wayne, Travis, etc. are doing the pop stuff, Steve and Mike are sorta mixing the pop sounds into the old stuff, and then there's the old stuff.
I like the traditional music. That said, I like all it's subcategories. Let's not try to define past that. That's what comes from my heart. It's what I grew up with and what I want to play if I'm going to play "Cajun" music. I had a rockabilly band here in Moscow for a little while but I'm not mixing much of that into what I'm doing now.
Let's all do what comes from the heart. If we're going to play anything, let's play what inspires us. Let's toss in some new ideas if that's what we're moved to do, and call it what we can, choosing the label very carefully to avoid confusing people who don't know any better. I guess that's all that matters when it comes down to it. Some will love it, others will hate it. That's life.