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Closeup Photo of the Gros Bec

Bruce Woods sent me this photo of the Gros Bec accordion ~

showing the "Gros Bec" ~ Big Beak in Cajun French ~ (Heron) in the logo.

Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

Acadiana by Leland Colligan
Gros Bec by "Flip" Siragusa


Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

The Gros Bec accordion seems a very nice and good instrument. But, it shows a good example of what Maz is talking about when he mentions mitered corners being more professional.

The Gros Bec does not have them.

Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

It seems pretty simple.
You want to pay $ 1,000.00 to $1,200.00,
you get box corners;
You want to pay $ 1,500.00 to $ 2,500.00 +,
you get mitred corners.
It's a budget issue.
You still get 500% better sound,durability, and playability than anything made in China.
Has this been brought up before?
Am I wrong?

Re: Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

Is it a trick of the photo angle, or are those flappers as short as they look? I've only seen flappers as short as that on factory made boxes with the reed blocks upright.

Going back to an earlier conversation about Gros Bec, someone (was it Bryan?) said he'd like to see a gros bec on the bellows.

If you called an accordion 'Pelican' (state bird), you could have a pelican on the bellows, head on. Then he'd look like he was holding out his wings to dry as you opened the bellows. That would be cool.
Come to think of it, you don't even have to call it 'Pelican'. It would still be cool. Well - I think so, anyhow!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

In addition to the crawfish bellows Jr. Martin now offers gros becs (herons) on this accordion bellows and they look awesome (this coming from a guy whole prefers plain undecoratied bellows). Its not just the shape of a heron in one color as with the crawfish bellows, but rather a kind of scene. There is a white heron (gros bec), with a yellow beak and legs wading in a marsh near a patch of long green grass. I wish I had picture to show you but there are none on Juniors website.

Re: Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???


You are simply misinformed, and I don't know who quoted you 1500 t0 2500 dollars to have mittered corners, simply outrageous , in my view, as they're routine to make,just take a little while longuer to do , that's all.
Are you at liberty to tell us, who it was?.
Traditions demand for mittered corners, even the Ariettes have them.
the LA box builders using mitters are the true Artisans of this small industrie,


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

I totally agree with Claude on this issue. I personally prefer the more professional approach. May I also ask, if you can't cut a simple miter how are you going to cut the compond angles used on the reed blocks. Please note however, I in no way mean to be critical of anyone's work. I think all are doing the best they can.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

I will have to disagree that "mitered corners" = "Quality built accordion".

I have both Lyra and Breaver brand vintage accordions with mitered corners. They are very cheaply made from what looks like pine box wood. Slapped together, almost "toy" quality.

They are not just "old" they were cheaply made when new and it shows. (But they do have mitered corners! :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

There is not that much difference in price if any as you mentioned. It's just a matter of going to the right builder. Now you do have to keep in mind that any of the particular builders who use mitered corners may also do many other things to make the whole a more professional instrument than just the mitered corners. Consider that also!!.

Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

A picture sometimes speaks volume


Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

Mitered veneer on those Chinese boxes. Not so inside.

Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

When I set out to acquire a new instrument I did a little research. Went through the archives of this forum extensively, e-mailed and called a few builders in LA, but not all, and talked to all the accordion players who played at the CFMA dances in San Antonio. Everyone was proud of their particular instrument, but not one of the players or builders touted the type of corner joint as a selling point. Reed types, bellows, button springs, etc, were mentioned, however. Got one quote from Larry Miller, either verbally or e-mail, can't remember, for a C unit for
$ 1,500.00 or so. I have seen one of his instruments and it has mitred corners. Lots of builders did not respond, but this was during Katrina-Rita time. Got a quote from Danny Dyson for $ 1,000.00. He built it,I bought it, it has box corners, and it plays just fine. My brother builds quality furniture and I asked him about mitre/box corners from a strength perspective and he said it was all a cosmetic matter of preference.

Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

And something else. This 'small industrie' is also a seller's market. With the increase in the popularity of the music type there will be more demand. One thing about any and all the builders in LA, they all build to quality, i.e., their reputation and intergrity are represented by their creation, irregardless of the type of corner joint they use. It is a credit to them that they do not 'cut corners' and mass produce a bunch of junk.

Re: Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

Don't forget about Jude's Bon Temps in Texas. I know you included him generically with LA boxes.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What are the boxes on the picture above? Acadiana & Gros ???

Just because Port Arthur, Groves, Orange, Beaumont, and even Winnie are on the West side of the Sabine River, that only means that they are geographically in Texas. Culturally, they are part of Louisiana. The fish in Sabine Lake swim to both sides and never know the difference.

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