Truly one of the greats....I regret I never got to see
him play. He was scheduled last October when I was in Lafayette with Maurice &
Dexter but he wasn't able to make it that night..
On loan to us each for what may seem a brief span on the time line of just living... He made good use of his time musically, giving us all some of his gifts of sound and then some. At 92.. well, we should be so fortunate our own self, it's not a bad age to take leave and cut the song off his way.
Yep...One of four people that I have encountered the opportunity to give a fine pocket watch, just for being who he was on the inspiration end of matters...and keeping matters moving forward for what it's all about.
Why a pocket watch? (you may wonder)
Because it is a gesture of time I suppose, especially to an old man that sports a working hat one minute and a fine head piece for social matters the next... perhaps it's realizing that eventually it runs down and must be rewound by someone that it gets handed off to so as to keep matters going forward.
I suppose only those that recieved such a time piece understands the importance of passing it on, realizing it has the abiity to still keep ticking beyond your days (they are numbered naturally). Then again perhaps as a way of remembering what it's all about (from my alledged long winded porch yapping perspective) .. but we know (some do..not all) and he knew as well (of that I am sure). I knew because it was in his eyes and in his expression when he slipped it into those bib overalls, it tells a story in it's own humble way. Oh I suppose it may well be raining where he is now, but I'll bet he's dry while others are scrambling for cover.. I could picture him having a dandy laugh over that one. We can be all right with what musical bridges he left behind, as long as as we don't let em rust out and fall apart.. so long old friend, and thanks for the dandy porch yapping segments, it ment more than you may know, perhaps far more than I may have told ya.