My best audiance when I play out doors has always been birds.
They turn their heads, hop around and appear to dance around plus get closer
to me as I play. It happens with the accordion and uilleann pipes. I think they
like reed instruments.
Wow! I'm not nuts! I end up playing outside frequently
because the wife gets annoyed and the dog starts to
howl....I too have noticed that birds swoop around when
I am playing on the deck...interesting.
Funny you should mention ducks. We live on a small lake. I always play outside on the deck, the ducks always come in the yard and listen. They'll eat some of the feed that falls out of the bird feeder and hang out. I think during mating season the males promise momma dining & dancing to get her in the mood
P.S. We also have 2 rabbits out there that just hang out watching me. Great audience....never any complaints!