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Re: Re: Saulieu 07

Great shots Andy, thanks .. was great meeting you and your wife.. ( PS Andy tore out some great tunes on his Larry Miller box.. ).. the local Morvan players jammed with us a few years ago.. and came back for more !

Their bagpipe player came by later and did some phenomenal playing of Morvan tunes..with a World/Jazz twist .. amazing.


Re: Saulieu 07

I will try to correct myself


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Replying to:

My first Saulieu and loved it. It was great to meet up with so many more like minded souls - old friends and new.
So many highlights for me - jamming in the bar for 3 or four hours on free beer - have to remember that one for next year - I am Scottish after all! Loved hearing those local guys playing some Morvan (local) music on three row boxes and a guy on tartanless bagpipes - what a treat!
Also just to see Eric Martin jamming in the Parisien bar - he made it look so easy. I know that BJ and myself, at least, started playing box using his teaching method.
Hopefully we'll see a few photos in the next days/weeks - I'll post some up in the next couple of days.
Hi Glenn, nice to meet you at last - sorry I missed out meeting some others from here!
Christian, I hope you pick up that box again!!

Hey BJ, we moved on to Troyes after Saulieu and bumped into Phil and Leslie - purely by chance in the same restaurant.


Andy W

Re: Re: Saulieu 07

ther is very nice Morvan music and musicians. I agree with you that the Morvan bagpipe is a lovely instrument.
But back to cajun...
There also was a (French?) bearded accordion player with a beatiful (eye and ear) accordion jamming on sunday afternoon (after the Cajun Company dance) with Wilson Savoy and Eric Martin on fiddle. He was playing "he mom" (one of my favourites). Lovely to hear them, so relaxed.
But I was heading to the lake with my daghter for a swim, so couldn't stay longer than one minute or so.
By the way, it was great swimming in the lake after the dance. Real holiday feel!

What kinde of pictures do you want to see? Leroy, Wilson? I'll try to post some.


Saulieu pictures

If someone can post the pictures for me, I'll send some.


Re: Saulieu pictures

Hi Gus,

I don't mind posting some for you. It's easy enough though with Photobucket.com - best to keep the photos around 100kB each. See Joanie's excellent instructions for posting photos.


Andy W

Re: Re: Saulieu pictures

Thanks, Andy,

Reading Joanies instruction I should put them somewhere on the internet.
I'll send you some. Then you may choose which one to post.


Re: Re: Re: Saulieu 07

Is that when I was jamming with them too, Gus? If so, that was my accordion player, David Rolland, on that Red Pine Acadian I posted pictures of some time ago in here. I've got a video of that jam session if I can just get it off this dang DVD. I'll let you know by the end of the week, I hope, but e-mail me around Thursday just to kick me into gear again.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Saulieu 07

Dunno, Sarah,

Now remember that Erics'wife (or somebody who is always in his neighbourhood) played the guitar. It was a small group sitting there at -I think- the Parisien. I was indeed tinking about the accordion you described some time ago, so I tried to read the brand name. I thought it was an Eric Martin, but mayby I was mistaken. I tried to read it from a distance. It was a real nice light wood with -I think- black stripe of wood on the keyboard.

By the way, your brothers' accordion is very simular to mine, has the same 'miscouloring' on the wooden parts that are on the top of the keyboard as mine.


Re: Re: Re: Saulieu 07

Videomateriaal: Nout Grupstra is er mee bezig. Foto's: ik zal nog een serie op mijnalbum.nl zetten!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Saulieu 07

Love the dog close to the camera! Watch as they group stops singing...


Re: Re: Re: Re: Saulieu 07

Saw your pictures, Peter, Great!!!


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