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Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to invite Cajun/Zydeco music fans to Grand Lakes Festivals' "Cajun Fest" in Grove, Oklahoma on Friday, July 4th. (Grove is in the Northeast corner of Oklahoma) Me and my band, Bayou Roots, will be there and will alternate sets with Jana Jae (you may remember her as the perky brunette, female fiddler on Hee-Haw and on Walmart commercials).

The music starts at 10 AM and continues until 5 PM. It is an air-conditioned and family-oriented event and fun for all. I know of one Cajun dance club who will be going; hope to have more.

I am looking forward to visiting and jamming with Jamey Hall and Mark Sponer! They have both confirmed that they are going to be there! I think I will be able to work in a lesson for Jamey. If any other Braves are out and about the area, please stop in and say hello...or if you have relatives in the area who would enjoy Cajun music and/or dancing, please let them know.

I have included the link to the website.

Happy (early) Independence Day to all of you!

Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...

I wouldn't miss it for the world, and should have a dozen or two hillbillies in tow. Hey Jude the Obscure, are you going? It's right around the corner from you.

Re: Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...

Yeah, I've got the boss mulling it over. We don't have anything planned and since it's inside, we don't have to worry about a cancellation due to rain.


Re: Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...


Bud, I am so glad for ya hooking up with a bit of one on one with Chris there in NE OK..short of the Ozarks (Ive got cousins over in Rogers and Siloam Springs, a gob of great memories and headstones to visit when time permits).

While Chris is a great musician, he is also a dandy ambassidor for all the goodness of his culture...

Jamey, drop me email (you should have my e-address), and sorta outline your experience with this thing once done.. it's good to yap with ya.

Chris.. if you're reading... Thanks for doing this stuff for our brothers in OK and AR. My best to you, the Kids and the Mrs.

Nonc D

Re: Re: Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...

You bet I will, Nonc D. Thanks very much for your interest, but be forewarned: I may talk your ear off. Being in relative Cajun accordion isolation makes a chatty guy even chattier about his obsession.


Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...

This is a nice event put on by Miss J Jae. This event is held at the Grove Civic Center, big space, plenty of dancing room,plenty of good A/C, food vendors. I have been to this festival twice. Looking forward to seeing any Braves that are going to attend!

Re: Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...Cajuns in HERMANN MO???

For any other Showmees , check out link one, July 11-13 at Stone Hill Winery. Ed Gary and the Louisiana Cajun Aces from Louisiana provide three days of toe-tappin' Bayou music. Plenty of cajun food available. Call 1-800-909-9463. I (hopefully) will be there showing off my new Black Walnut Acadian in C , the cajun concert on the hill has been going on for years and has great dancing great food and great music.


Re: Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...

So, the website for Grove's Cajun Fest says "Vendors and Musicians welcome." Does that mean there are jam sessions, etc. throughout the day? In other words, should I bring my box?


Re: Re: Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...

Hey Jude,
I have been there twice, and I have not notice a open jam before, unless they just started one, if they have had them in the past, I did not notice them, the facilty where they have all of this, Grove Civic Center, is a big place. Give them a call if they got a number posted and ask them, when you find us drop us a line on this board, we could form a jam if they allow it, myself, I can play simple guitar and bass, Brave Jamey is coming, he can sing and play plus he is bringing at least one of his band member along.

Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...

I'm bringing both diatonic and piano key accordions, percussion instruments, and my fiddle and rubboard players are supposed to be coming. I hope Mark and Jude will bring their accordions. I can't exactly (i.e., at all) jam with the diatonic, but maybe we can share knowledge (i.e., y'all can show me stuff).

See ya there!

Re: Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...

Well, I guess I'll bring the ol' box along. May even have my boy bring his fiddle. And I have a triangle somewhere, too.


Grove Festival was fun!

Had a great time, got in lots of dancing, and thoroughly enjoyed Chris and his band. I got in a lesson and some visiting with Chris the night before, both of which were excellent. Also got to hear Steve the guitarist sing "In the Pines" from a swing by the pool at the hotel, while he strummed and Chris played, and that was wonderful. Is there any better way to enjoy good music?

The next day I got to dance to Chris and his excellent band. I hunger so much for the dance that I don't spend the time I should observing the accordionist (or the other dancers), I know, but it's just so dang much fun! I got to finally meet jolly good fellow Braves Mark Sponer and Jude Meche and their families, and Mark, Jude & his son Gabe, and I joined Chris onstage for two songs. 6 year old Gabe sang J'ai passe devant ta porte, and of course all of us loved it. Mark, Jude, and I at least managed to avoid melt-down, and nobody threw anything at us, though we might have to wait another year for Grammy nominations.

Chris is an amazing musician, folks. He not only has that knack for playing any instrument he picks up and playing it with excellence and great feeling, he has another great gift: he is thoughtful and articulate about what he does. Now throw in that he's a good-hearted soul. It's a blessing for us all that he uses this singular combination of gifts and qualities to be a teacher. I enjoyed learning from him, and just plain enjoyed being around him.

So thank you and your band very much, Chris. I hope y'all make this Festival a regular yearly stop. And y'know, the Arkansas Ozarks is a great place to live, or even relocate . . .

Re: Grove Festival was fun!

But did you pose the "Fastest" way from Mamou to Ville Platte Brain teaser? Being a Cajun, he un-doutedly got that right off the bat! N'est pas?!

Re: Grove Festival was fun!

Just wanted to echo what Jamey said about the Grove Cajun Fest. We had a great time.

You know, I'm not at all sure why a small Oklahoma town decided to devote their 4th of July celebration to a group of French-speaking xenophobes from over 600 miles away whose patriotism is sometimes questionable since they still use the term "Américain" as a derogatory. None of that makes sense to me, but I'm glad they did it.

Chris Miller was a great representative of the music and culture, and he's one brave dude for taking the risk of putting us rank amateurs on the stage with him.

Plus, it was great meeting Jamey and Mark, jamming with them, and joking around.


Re: Calling all Cajun Okies, Arkies, Show-mees...

Man, I must've told that story 500 times now, onstage a couple of times, and I know I did at dinner to a dozen other Festival goers last night, but I don't think I told Chris. Dang!

Charlie, I will be forever grateful for that story; but please, don't ever post it! I want the chance to tell everyone in person.

Cary and Christine Guidry-Law both got their new Bon Temps last week, BTW. I talked to Christine and Sheila last night once they'd finished packing for Balfa Camp. There's still time for you, me, and Cary to go if one of us can hit the lottery. I bought tickets in Oklahoma yesterday, so I'll be watching tonight!

Best to you brother, Jamey

Jamey Hall's most excellent Cajun Accordion Music Theory

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