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Different 1 -row

Hi !

Little different 1 -row accordion by ACCORDION-HELIN

Re: Different 1 -row

Looks nice too! Very natural look.
Aren't the flappers a bit shorter than usual?
I thinkl the black&red bellow looks better than the black&gold on the 2-row.
What's the price of this one?

Re: Different 1 -row

So, unless my eyes deceive me, those buttons do not disappear down into a hole, but bottom out on the top of the keyboard, the way a bass button might do.

Am I right? That might be desirable.

Re: Different 1 -row

Yes Dwight, you are right, buttons are like "mushroom "
very good to play. Price is 1500 euros + shipping .

Re: Different 1 -row

Dwight: This one has different bass buttons too: right next to each other, with no space inbetween. You can see that on Helin's website.

Re: Different 1 -row

Would you prefer it for speed issues or is there another reason? From my own experience, i really cant tell the difference between having the buttons stay seated on top or go in (though it took me a while to get used to that) I get around the same speed and I don't feel like my fingers are catching the sides that much.

Re: Different 1 -row

Very nice accordeon.

In my opinion I would make the following changes

NO red anywhere...... incongruous with the rest of the accordeon.. makes it look cheap
NO gold on the flappers...makes it look cheap
No metal corners, ruins an otherwise classy design and superb wood working...

I much prefer mushroom buttons... professional Italian accordeons use them to great advantage.. eliminates many problems...
but that hideous red felt below the buttons must go...

Otherwise, very nice accordeon.

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