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Need some advice...

As many of you know I started playing in January of this year and have just got to the point where I can play some songs without screwing up. My wife can hear the songs downstairs and says they sound ok. But what does she know she only has to put up with it every single day.
But here is the issue when I try to play the songs in front of people I just can't do it without screwing them up. Any suggestions other than stay in the closet forever...

Re: Need some advice...

Express yourself freely without reservation. Sometimes the slight imperfections are what give the song and yourself your style. And if you hit a imperfection, dont stop playing...play right thru it and smile.

Re: Need some advice...


Re: Need some advice...

One scotch, one burbon,and one beer.
Le Piquant

Re: Need some advice...



For me, the old public speaking adage remains..if ya know your subject well, you can talk confidently to anyone anywhere..but if you're shaky on the subject then the opposite can occur. Get someone musically inclined to critique your practice work...and play along to a guitar strum if you can.

My 2 cents worth...been there, done that !

Re: Need some advice...

I didn't learn to play in front of people without playing in front of people. First at jams, then on stage at venues friendly to novices.

You have to be able to internalize and play through the stress, and you can't do that without experiencing the stress and trying to play through it.

Re: Need some advice...

All excellent advice (especially the whiskey one). Many, including me, learned mostly by our selves, but that makes it that much harder to do it in front of people, but like Dwight says, you just have to work through it, hiccups and all.

Re: Need some advice...

Keep at it. You just started 9 months ago. Check back here in January 2013, and then again in 2016. It takes time. You can't go from A to Z without learning all the vowels and consonants. Therefore, you can't learn to speak until you babble a while. Patience and perseverance shall prevail. Then learn from your mistakes. Correct them and try again until you either mend them or find a creative way to accept them. In the art world, mistakes can actually be your friend.

Re: Need some advice...

I am terrified to play in front of people. I'm not sure why. Takes alot of liquid courage to do it. Except at the hunting camp, you never really see me playing in front of anyone I don't know or regularly play with.

Re: Need some advice...

Joey -- Are you still bringing your guns to gigs? Crowds scatter when I do that.

Re: Need some advice...

Hey there, If you go with the first sets of advice you had here you'll only add to any bad habits you already may have with or without achohol. If you do mix in the whiskey or other and become a alcoholic musician, which there are many out there, look at the bright side, as said in another bit of advice, here wait until 2015 to check back, at least by then the disease of alcoholism, will be covered by Federal Law as pre-existing condtions will not matter anymore and you will have no lifetime max limit , so all our money will be there to help you get sober. And if you happen to have, developed any extra dependent children along the route of your bliss, well they can stay dependent upon you to until age 26 despite their status in life. By that time you will have enough material to write a new arrangement of the Drunken Waltz and your Two-Step, may sound like a pefect POLKA every time.
Seriously, surround yourself immediately with good musicians,whenever possible, come to jams, ask to sit in with folks. If you do so and they are good people , like magic your playing with improve greatly. Your friend in music, Dano

Re: Need some advice...

It's all about learning to F* up.

First you learn how to F* up by yourself. Then you learn how to F* up with someone else. Then you learn how to F* up on the fringes of a group jam. Then you learn how to F* up in the group. Then you learn to F* up leading the group. Then you learn how to F* up in front of a small group of friendly spectators. Then you learn how to F* up in front of a bigger group. Then you learn to F* up onstage, leading the group.

Finally, you learn to F* up at the Grammys. Or at Festival Acadien. Or in front of the Savoys.

And through it all, you gradually learn to relax, not worry about it, and keep on going. F*-ups are going to happen; you learn it's not the end of the world, you're still an okay Joe (or Josephine), and you keep going.

Just some advice from a prize F*-up!

Re: Need some advice...

I can only add to that, that a F*-up is a way more noticeable when you react to it, than if you keep going as if nothing happened.


Re: Need some advice...

The other thing I've done, Mr.Dowell, is when I F*up, I remember how I did it and then do it again -- everytime in the song where it may occur. Then the F*up is no longer an F*up... it becomes correct.

Re: Need some advice...

No, Rick, it goes from a F*up to being "one hell-of-a cool lick".

Re: Need some advice...

Sometimes F* ups take you down a whole nuther path, whereby the medley was born.

Re: Need some advice...

Hell Rick, don't give away all of the trade secrets.


Re: Need some advice...

Well, another way to handle a F*up is to give your
neighbor a dirty look when you clam!

(Just kidding, don't do that!)


Re: Need some advice...

Too late Nick! That's one's too good to forget. I'll have to use it on one of my guys next time I F* up!

Re: Need some advice...

F*, Jamey, that's a lot of F*ing up!

Re: Need some advice...


Re: Need some advice...

Hey Chuck,
Just give yourself some time...playing Cajun accordion takes time to learn, your skills will improve with time thus making less mistakes.....start out small, play in front of your family,friends..go to some of the music camps, Augusta or Balfa....you only been playing for 9 months....heck about that time for me I was still trying to figure out the High Point 2 Step, it took me over a year to learn that song...but I kept at it and learn it, and you will to.
Have fun squeezing!
A problem is a chance for you to do your best.
Duke Ellington
US jazz bandleader, musician, & songwriter (1899 - 1974)

Re: Need some advice...

Hey Chuck. I'm guessing you're playing Cajun music on that accordion?

Ask yourself what it was that lead you on the path to playing accordion. If you're playing cajun music way out there in Kentucky, then it must be for some pretty strong reason. It will be no easy undertaking, but I can tell you this. There is more learning material out there now a days than there was in the old days. You have come in at a good time. Thank the Gods for the internet! Don't forget all those excellent Kentucky blue grass musicians you might have at your disposal. I'm sure a few of them might like to try experimenting with an accordion player and I'm sure they can play some pretty mean fiddle and guitar around there too? Maybe they can adjust themselves to the accordion.

"RECOGNITION OF THE PATTERNS" will lead to "CERTAINTY". This will cause you to become "CENTERED" in your playing. Because you are "CENTERED", you will then begin playing within your "INTUITION" instead of thinking or worrying about it so much. This will allow you to find what we all seek..."PEACE OF MIND". And that, my friend, will show up in your "PRESENTATION" like sunlight.

Maybe tell yourself there is no need to rush the process. You can choose to stay in the closet if you think it will allow you more time to "recognize those patterns" on that accordion.

Go in Harmony Grasshopper.

Re: Need some advice...

Thanks guys for all of the advice and encouragement.
I appreciate the comments... It sounds as though many of you have been down the same path at a point when you were learning to play. Just so you know a shot of Kentucky bourbon does seem to help my wife Marla enjoy my playing.... and since she is from Kentucky she really has no idea if I am F*ing up or not.
But she does seem to have more girls nights out than she used to.
Actually, I have been traveling to Louisiana for over twenty five years working in the towboat business and I have made so many great and wonderful friends over the years. That is where I became familiar with the music.. I love it so much that I just had to attempt it.
I spent most of my life in the St Louis area. I lived near Chuck Berry and spent a little time at Blueberry Hill listening to the Rock N Roll bands, so I am not really a native from Kentucky but we do spend some time listening the cuontry bands in Nashville.We are about 45 minutes from Nashville.
I will get back to Eunice La. and that area with my wife the first week in December for some fun, a little vacation.
Thanks Again
Chuck from Kentucky

Re: Need some advice...

My first time on stage was at a restruant with about 250 people to see Richard LeBouef at Oysters Black Pot in Abbeyville. I was just there to see him but since he had the best La made box (4 of them on stage)Martin of course, I went up and talked to him. He asked me if I could play I said a little and he got me up on stage to play. I said I didn't want to but he said don't ever turn down a chance to be on stage. I had just enough Coors in me to agree and did, was the most fun I had in a long time. You just have to be enough of an extrovert to get up and do it. You make a mistake who cares you did it in front of more people than you will ever be in front of again. Have fun with it thats what its all about

Re: Need some advice...

Not bad advice. From a turnip.

*Check please...*

Re: Need some advice...

Drink a few beers

Re: Need some advice...

I would love to! Two more hours...

Jamey Hall's most excellent Cajun Accordion Music Theory

Brett's all new Cajun Accordion Music Theory for all keys!

LFR1.gif - 1092 Bytes The April 2011 Dewey Balfa Cajun & Creole Heritage Week

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