FearShaker Stories

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Fearshaker Stories
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What's Your Story? Got a spooky ghost story of your own? Or any other tall tales? Here's an area y

What's Your Story?
Got a spooky ghost story of your own? Or any other tall tales? Here’s an area where you can be the storyteller. We’re all ears.

It happened One Night - September 2003

It happened One Night - September 2003

I was never sure about the whole UFO thing until One night in September of 2003. My Girlfriend and I were at Myrtle Beach, S.C. and had just come back from a late walk on the beach. She was asleep and I was lying on the bed watching something on television. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a bright red dot in the middle of the sky. At first I thought it was a plane, but I quickly realized that it wasn't moving. And this thing was BRIGHT! I scared my girlfriend awake and ran to the balcony, telling her to look at the object. It was just sitting there slowly fading in and out in the middle of the sky. I looked down at the beach and noticed that other people saw the thing too. I watched it for maybe ten seconds before it faded and disappeared. My girlfriend ran to get her contacts in but she was too late. So she went back to sleep and I sat there hoping to get a glimpse of it again. About two minutes later, I got my wish. This time, it appeared a great distance from where it was before, still bright as ever, and now pulsing as it faded in and out. But this time, out of nowhere, two military jets came flying towards it. Then the object faded ,never to return. The next day, military jets were flying about all day. I don't know if it was just coincidence, or if they were keeping an eye out for whatever it was I and at least 40 other people saw that night, but I know that whatever that object was, no one could have even come close to identifying it. I have never seen anything and probably won't see anything like it in my life again. It was stunning.

Oklahoma Air Battle with UFO

Air Battle with UFO

About a year ago I witnessed a UFO event, and have kept it a secret up until now. I originally thought I'd take this secret to my grave, but it has been eating at me all this time. Finally I've decided that someone has to know.
Let me make it clear that I simply cannot divulge any information about myself of that might possibly lead to my identification. I can't reveal my name, location, the location of the event, nor even the exact date of the event. Let it suffice for me to say that I work on a military installation that isn't known for 'black projects'. As far as most people know, both on and off the installation, nothing exciting goes on here, and that's exactly how the military wants to keep it. But the common perception about the installation and the reality of it are two different things.

I've been an amateur astronomer for many years, and I often take my telescopes out to a remote area of the installation in order to get away from light pollution so I can observe under nice dark skies. Technically, I'm not supposed to be doing this for security reasons (especially since the events of 9-11-01) but the security personnel only patrol the boundary fence itself. (Once you drive through the installation gate, they don't really know if you're driving to your workplace or someplace else.)
One night while out observing I noticed an object moving across the sky to my south. At first it looked like a satellite, but rapidly grew larger until it became very obvious that this wasn't any satellite!

The object began hovering and began pulsating while emitting a low, barely audible hum. I just stood there with my mouth open for a few minutes, when it occurred to me to take a picture. As I went to my car to retrieve my camera, I heard the sounds of rapidly approaching aircraft. I grabbed the camera and snapped a picture when all of a sudden the roar from the approaching aircraft became deafening as if they were at very low altitude and flying directly overhead.
The UFO very suddenly shot straight up in the sky several thousand feet at fantastic speed as the aircraft passed beneath it! The aircraft were totally blacked out with no external lights on at all. The only way I spotted them was by the light given off by the hot exhaust of their engines. The aircraft came back towards the UFO a second time and once again the UFO executed a rapid vertical maneuver to avoid them. It was if the UFO was toying with them, or perhaps trying to convey the message 'you're out of your class, don't mess with us.'.

The aircraft began a third pass at the UFO, this time at staggered altitude with one plane several thousand feet above the other and with their external strobe lights on. Why they decided to turn them on after flying blacked out escapes me, unless they decided that flying blacked out wasn't giving them any particular advantage anyway and only increased their chances of colliding with each other. As to them flying at staggered altitude, perhaps this was in response to the UFO having evaded them twice with a rapid vertical maneuver. Perhaps the pilots reasoned that if the UFO evaded the low flying jet with a vertical maneuver again, then it would pass right in front of the jet flying at the higher altitude. Of course this is just speculation on my part.

As the jets approached the UFO suddenly brightened...so bright that I could barely stand to look at it with my dark-adapted eyes. Then, both aircraft fired two missiles each at the UFO! But the missiles never actually reached the UFO! The missiles simply vanished! The UFO vanished! No explosions, no sound of any impact, no nothing! One second you could see four missiles streaking across the sky, and then the missiles and the UFO were gone! It was like they just vanished into thin air!

The aircraft circled the area for about ten minutes as if they were trying to figure out what had happened. I wanted to get the hell out of there, but the aircraft gave no indication that they had spotted me yet, and I didn't want to do anything to draw attention my way. After they finally left the area, I waited until morning twilight to drive out of the area fearing that driving out during darkness with my lights on would attract unwanted attention. I made it out of the area without being stopped by anyone.

This not a lie. It really happened to me.

this is not a dream, i was fully awake
aliens took the knowledge of life away from me

the following is completley true and i swear it to you. i have no reason to lie.
when i was about to fall asleep, and i was thinking how certin cycles in life would help me determin how life is, and how to predict it and when all life and existance became clear to me i almost felt i was a god, i knew everything. i felt my life was over because i figured out life and my time was now over, and then the enviorment changed( got cold and empty and quiet) and i could scence that someone was there and i knew it was aliens and i could feel them doing somthin to my body, but i looked on my arm where i felt in my brain, a needle was injecting me with some "bug" but they were invisiable an i could controling my brain, and i was hearing sounds that no other people could hear, and when i thought i knew exactly what was happening, i could hear a little girl screamin a whineing scared and helpless scream and i listened to how the patterns related to what i was thinking and they started getting scary sounding and louder when i would think about the presence of someone else(the aliens) and it hurt my body thinking about them, and then i was gettin visions in my head , as if someone was thinking in my brain for me and controling what i was thinking about, and i was thinking about what they were going to do to me, they were going to activate an electronic bug inside me and kill me if i didnt stop thinking about what they were doing, and the whole time all i could think about was that are they going to kill me, and after i made them believe i posed no threat tward them and that i was sorry for whatever i had done, they left and i could only feel them getting further and further away, and the bug just melted away.

this is not a dream, i was fully awake, and actualy had to turn the light on a few time in fear of my life. this is the truth how the aliens took the knowledge of life away from me.

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