FearShaker Stories

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"Paranormal Stories"

Do you have any paranormal stories?

I have never believed in ghost

I have never believed in ghost, but was somewhat interested. Lately though, I have seen things I can not explain any other way but that it is a ghost or something. I am really starting to believe they're real.

When I was about ten years old my granddad died from cancer. He took care of everyone in the family. He was a very loving man, he even took food to people who couldn't buy it for themselves. Well a few months after he died I was in my grandmothers house, in the hall. I saw my granddad walk down the hall, look at me and went back into their bedroom. He didn't say anything, but I knew he was there making sure everyone was ok for some reason. As I got older I just told myself I was a kid and just imagining things, but with what I have seen lately it really makes me wonder if my granddad was not really there checking on my grandmother. I mean they really loved each other. It was almost story book type stuff. He would go out of his way just to make her happy and would do anything in the world for her. They were together since high school days, even though he quit and went to work in the third grade. ( really ) He was an army ranjer during ww2 and never went over seas. He was hurt in a training exersize ( shoot didn't open right ) and he spent two years in the hospital in Texas to keep his leggs. She went to Texas and stayed with him the whole time.

My granddad has been dead for over 20 years now and my grandmother has never even looked at another man. She is getting old now, she has always been tough and bounced right back from everything but I can see her getting weaker. I really worry she isnt going to be around much longer because she is starting to show her age ( she is 82 ) The woman still will walk a mile, but then she is so tired she sleeps forever and she seems to be getting more frail.

Well, everything that I have seen lately just made me thing of it, so I thought I would share the story.

Re: "Paranormal Stories"

As a result of a very profound OBE I had 20 years ago I have been lead on a journey of discovery which has lead me to write this article. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of the work of Dr. Strassman of New Mexico and his investigation into the pineal gland wormhole, if not, I hope that you will find this article of interest to your many readers. Best Regards, Beach Barrett 3/30/08


The pineal gland wormhole allows us to consciously connect with parallel levels of reality. The wormhole concept itself has long been the subject of much scientific conjecture. One of the most commonly accepted models was proposed by Albert Einstein and is known as the Einstein-Rozen Bridge that connects two different points of the time space continuum. Wormholes are usually associated with interdimensional time or space travel and appear in many popular venues such as Startrek, Stargate, the movie Contact and in the Dr. Who series. Travelers in a physical state move about the universe in a spaceship or capsule (or phone booth) through a wormhole, or by just literally stepping or diving into the hole itself. In the Einstein model the wormhole entrance and exit are black holes. The problem with this scenario is that it is very difficult to transfer physical bodies through what is essentially a hyperphysical phenomenon where the intensity of physical/gravitational forces would be prohibitive.

The pineal gland wormhole operates in a different mode; it is non-physical. When using the pineal wormhole, the body does not accompany consciousness. In this state the physical body is allowed to continue to function at rest, while consciousness in an awakened state is allowed to travel beyond the confines of the brain. Science has yet to confirm whether consciousness itself has a physical component, and though several experiments in this area have been made, none are conclusive. It is generally assumed that consciousness could not exist without the framework of the brain, but again, this has yet to be proven. Consciousness appears to be a form of software with a unique self-renewing feedback loop in it, and there has been some speculation on this subject, there have even been some attempts to recreate it in computer models. This article, however, is not concerned with the nature of consciousness or with its’ ability to travel outside the body. We are only discussing an actual neurochemical pathway of the human brain that elicits an out–of-body conscious experience, which is achieved by a special secretion of the pineal gland.

The pineal gland secretes several neurochemicals that modify the status of consciousness in the brain. Melatonin production, for example, is controlled by the pineal gland during periods of darkness. Under the influence of melatonin consciousness rests and dreams while the body repairs itself. The wormhole chemical that is created by the pineal gland is very similar to melatonin except that it incorporates two methyl molecules. This “methylated” form of melatonin encourages the body to rest, but unlike melatonin, it does not quash consciousness, instead it allows consciousness to continue to function while the body and its’ associated ego are resting. Unlike the “classic” wormhole, which operates within the parameters of the physical space-time-gravity continuum, this wormhole transcends the restrictions of the physical plane and cuts the fetters that tie consciousness to the limitations of the physical plane. At one end of the wormhole is the traveler’s physical body the other end may be just ten feet away or ten light years away; the wormhole is not restricted by the laws of the physical plane, distance has no meaning. At one end of the wormhole is the traveler’s physical body the other end may be just ten feet away or ten light years away.

The contents of this article are based on observed scientific phenomena, and we will begin with a technical discussion of the wormhole chemical itself: DMT, which is the acronym for chemical DiMethylTryptamine. When synthetically produced and sold on the street DMT categorized as a class one controlled substance, and yet it is also created within the chemistry of our own body, i.e. it is an endogenous chemical. Unlike its close brother, melatonin, DMT has yet to be endowed with a common name, and it is most necessary to do so. In this article we are only speaking about the natural, internally produced form of DMT, not the synthetic and illegal form. Therefore, for the sake of convenience we will use the term “metatonin” as the common name of endogenously produced DMT: metatonin being a higher or “meta” state of melatonin. Thus, in this article, metatonin is the pineal gland wormhole chemical. Human Metatonin may also contain some additional modifiers, but DMT is the main component. Another neurochemical closely related to Metatonin and Melatonin is Serotonin. These three neurotransmitters belon



My children have always been very important to me. I’m a good mother and I wish my childhood had been as good as my two sons was. In the fall of 2004 my youngest son was 16 and had driven into the neighboring town to spend the day with his cousins. You see, I was the babysitter and from the time these cousins were six weeks old they spent the day at my house. They all grew up together and were as close as brothers. They range in age from 12 to 18 years old on that day in 2004.

They were in two vehicles that day. The one in front held three of the boys and the other held two. As they traveled out of town that day, little did they know there lives was about to change. Three phone calls to the sheriff station had been made and no one had responded. These calls were reports of an erratic driver, all over the road. A woman driving under the influence of three drugs almost hit the first car containing my oldest son and two of my nephews. From inside the car they yelled as this woman hit my youngest son and my 14 year old nephew head on. I will spare you the agony of my panic that day as I received the phone call. Yes they lived. This woman killed the man in the car with her and my nephew had head injuries, broken vertebrae, broken wrist, and lots of other injuries. My son had a broken hip, broken pelvis, shattered tibia, and other injuries. To this day we are still dealing with these injuries in both boys and there lives will be forever changed.

I met my angel in the hospital. As I sat crying at the devastation done to my child and the pain he was going to have to endure. I ask god why! I was trying so hard to be a good Christian, mother, wife, everything I thought I was supposed to be. Trying to give my children the childhood I never had.

All the sudden the door opened to his hospital room and this beautiful black nurse with the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen walked in. She said “Hi, My name is Faith”. As she said this I thought “please let it be more than just a name”. It was like she was reading my thoughts and she said “my name bears much significance to who I am”. Faith sat down with me and comforted me, brought me something to drink, praised me for being there for my child and just helped me to cope with this situation. After this 15 minute encounter I felt much better and for the next 13 days I asked everyone about Faith. No one had ever heard of her, no one recognized my description of Faith. Everyday I looked for her and asked about her. I never found her and one day I realized why. She was an Angel! I honestly believe this. Faith, my angel gave me what I needed that night to stay strong and do what I had too, to help my son. Thank you God for sending my Angel “Faith”!!

My Experience of Astral Projection

My Experience of Astral Projection

well my first trip was when i was in my bedroom. i wanted to try and astral project, so i asked my mother because she is a psychic. then she told me to get my purple crystal and hang it in my room about 3 or 4 feet from me. then she said to focus only on the crystal and to tell my body to astral project i said it about 8 or 10 times. the next thing i new i was next to my crystal and i saw my physical body.

Can You Believe A Fish Communicated With Me In A Dream?

Hello everyone,

I can imagine how many people probably thnk this is a joke or that I am crazy, but I assure you this is a true story.

We have all heard stories that involved the ghost of a pet. It seems plausable that our pets may actually have some form of an afterlife, but could a living pet actually communicate with a person through a dream? I had an experience with an eight inch Oscar that makes me tend to believe it.

Some years ago I bought a very small Oscar fish. When I brought it home I put it into a 15 gallon aquarium. It was barely an inch long so it seemed to have a lot of room. That small fish grew quickly and when it reached almost six inches in length I moved it into a larger tank.

Oscars seem to exhibit a distinct personality and they are actually very intelligent. My Oscar could recognize me and when I came into the room after being away for awhile it would come up to the top front of the aquarium and wag like a dog wagging its tail! I would go up to it and touch it on the forehead. The Oscar actually pushed back against my finger. Believe it or not I petted my Oscar and it seemed to enjoy it. It would rub against my hand while swimming back and forth.

When it was little I fed it pellets, but as it grew I started experimenting with various insects and earthworms. I can tell you that Oscars really love to eat live earthworms. Eventually I started offering it table scraps occasionally. I shared my steak and fried chicken, among other foods, with my Oscar. Oh, and this Oscar would eat right out of my hand.

I tell you all this so you can see what sort of relationship I had with this fish. I did more than just feed it and change its water. I interacted with it and even talked to it.

One night I nearly lost the Oscar. It was really strange how it happened. I was asleep and in my dream the Oscar was calling for help. Eventually I began to waken from the dream, for a few seconds I lay there thinking about the dream, it seemed so real and vivid. Out of curiosity as well as concern I got up to check on the Oscar. It wasn't in the tank! I turned on the lights and found it laying on the floor.

When I picked it up it was very stiff and dry to the touch, but it's mouth was moving slightly. I returned it to the water and watched it floating on its side, thinking that it was going to die. After about an hour the Oscar began to move around more until finally it was swimming around and behaving as though nothing had ever happened. Did that fish actually contact me in a dream to call out for help? Did my subconscious somehow pick up the sounds and incorporate them into my dream?

Some people may think it was only a fish, but I really got attached to it. Eventually there came a time when I needed to find a new home for my Oscar. I was very hesitant about who got it and wanted to be as sure as I could that it would be taken good care of. I found out about a woman who was as much a fish lover as I am. She had several aquariums including a 55 gallon that wasn't being lived in.

This all happened more than 25 years ago, but to this day I still think about that Oscar from time to time and wonder how it's life went in its new home.

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