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The Most Functional English Word ****



Well, it's **** ... that's right, ****!
**** may just be the most functional word in the English language.

You can get ****-faced, Be ****-out-of-luck, Or have **** for brains.

With a little effort, you can get your **** together, find a place for your ****, or be asked to **** or get off the pot.

You can smoke ****, buy ****, sell ****, lose ****, find ****, forget ****,
and tell others to eat ****.
Some people know their ****, while others can't tell the difference
between **** and shineola.

There are lucky ****s, dumb ****s, and crazy ****s. There is bull ****, horse ****, and chicken ****.

You can throw s! hit, sli ng ****, catch ****, shoot the ****, or duck when the **** hits the fan.

You can give a **** or serve **** on a shingle.

You can find yourself in deep **** or be happier than a pig in ****.

Some days are colder than ****, some days are hotter than ****,
and some days are just plain ****ty.

Some music sounds like ****, things can look like ****, and there are times when you feel like ****.

You can have too much ****, not enough ****, the right ****, the wrong **** or a lot of weird ****.

You can carry ****, have a mountain of ****, or find yourself up **** creek without a paddle.

Sometimes everything you touch turns to **** and other times you fall in a bucket of **** and come out smelling like a rose.

When you stop to consider all the facts, it's the basic building block of the English language.

And remember, once you know your ****, you don't need to know anything else!!

You could pass this along, if you give a ****; or not do so, if you don't give a ****!

Well, ****, it's time for me to go. Just wanted you to know that I do give a **** and hope you had a nice day, without a bunch of ****. But, if you happened to catch a load of **** from some ****-head...........
Well, **** Happens!!!

Re: The Most Functional English Word ****

the first time my wife took me to bingo with her all you would hear across the bingo hall would be little old ladys saying sh.t, because they almost bingo.....

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