How wonderful to come across your website! I was simply explaining something to my teenage daughter about Victor Mature when I came across it. What I do know is that my grandfather, Juan C. Zapata of Texas, was a carpenter, played in minor league baseball and was a railroad engineer. He passed away in 1998. My mother, Dolores (also deceased) used to tell me that Juan and Victor were very good friends and mentioned this all through my childhood and I took it as law. I'm 50 now but was alway curious what the connection was with Vic. Perhaps I can find out the details from my cousin who still lives in California (I'm long since out East) and report back. Anyway, there was a long silent admiration from my side of the family. Best, -Joseph
Hi! Thank you so much for your nice message! We are so happy that you found the website! That is so cool that Victor and your grandfather were friends. If you find out the details we would love to hear them! Thank you so much again for sharing you wonderful memories! We hope that you will visit the site again! Have a great day! :-)