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A Forum To Discuss The Talented Actor Victor Mature

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I've recently been toying w/the idea of getting
into DVD's. I need to find someone here in San Fran.
who can do them for me, from the VHS's of the olde
Films I have. However, I don't have any of Vic's Films
in SF. They're ALL in Los Angeles, & my Taper there
doesn't have DVD capability as yet, altho' we've dis-
cussed it several times. I'm so swamped w/VHS Orders,
that I'm a little "afraid" of getting into DVD. How-
ever, I believe it's coming to that. I've got such a
huge Collection of, rare & obscure Films, which I'd
love to see on DVD, that I'll more than likely, DO IT!
More on this, shortly.

Re: DVD's

Hi! I hope that you're doing well. Thank you for the information. We will look foward to hearing more about it.

Thank you again for your letter. I will be properly replying this week. Very sorry for my delay. I had computer problems the past two weeks.

Thank you again for your message.


Re: DVD's

I'll be able to make DVD's ONLY of the Titles i have
here in my Off., none of which, at the moent, are VM's
Titles. If anyone needs DVD's made of their own VHS's,
they'll be able to mail them to me on VHS, for trans-
fer to DVD. DVD will then be around $58.00, incls.
s/h to USPS Zip Code ONLY, NO Overseas mailing. Sorry!
For more Info., pls. call me first, @ 415) 931-3676.
RSVP. Thanx.

Re: Re: DVD's

Hi! Thank you so much for posting the information. I really appreciate it!
