Hi! Thank you so much for your message. :) You can get a copy of Stella from Sidney Bloomberg by going to his website at: http://www.blsinc.com/partners/bloomberg.htm - download the appropriate "Want List" Form, fill it out and snail mail it with a #10 Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to Mr. Bloomberg and he will reply. You can make checks payable to: Sidney P. Bloomberg. His address is 735 Taylor St. #306, San Francisco, CA 94108-3807 His phone number is: 1-415-931-3676 if you'd like to call him. You can e-mail him at: sidbloomberg@yahoo.com to check on prices for videos to the UK. It would probably be the best idea to e-mail him first and check on current prices and shipping.
Have fun watching it! :) Thanks so much again for posting!
"Thanx" Shannon! I'm @ Library, & just happened to
go to your very fine Website. Yes, I Do have a copy of
"Stella," the ONLY problem I have is, I NO LONGER Ship
ex-USA, however, for "You guys," I'll do so! The other
thing IS, one (1) of the reasons I stopped Shipping
abroad was, NO ONE (1) paid ANY attn. to the fact that
I said, "Checks in US$, drawn on US Bank, ONLY!" Tape
of "Stella, to the UK, IS US$50.00, incls. s/h, check
payable in US$50.00, & made payable: Sidney P. Bloom-
berg, sent w/my Order Form, from my Website, @:
w/address clearly written. I strongly don't advise
sending Cash via the Post!
My mailing add. is:
Sidney P. Bloomberg
735 Taylor St., #306
San Francisco, CA 94108-3807
RSVP. Thanx.
Hi! Thank you so much for your nice message and for the information on how he can get Stella. Thank you so much also for shipping out of the US for us. I really appreciate you always helping fans get the Vic movies that they are looking for! :)
I received your letter and will be properly replying this week through regular mail. Thank you so much for writing. I will set up a special page on this site that lists the movies that you have of Vic's and how the fans can get them.
Thank you so very much again for all of your help. I really appreciate it! Have a wonderful day! :)