Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my con-
trol, I've had to raise prices on my Videos. Current
prices for W/wide Shipping is $55.00. There'll probab-
ly be a "slight" reduction, after 1/1/05, but it won't
be @ the $38.00 level. Sorry, I really have no choice,
as people I deal with & need, raise their Pricing to
me, I MUST follow suit, or fold!, which. I'm NOT about
to do.....Also, pls. tell anyone contacting me via the
Webpg. on me, I MUST have their Snailmail Add., & Tel.
No. Several people have contacted me (w/rudeness), & I
won't put-up w/it. I live in the Computer Age, but am
NOT part of it. People should remember, that even tho'
they're talking to a Computer, there's still a person
behind it! Soapbox is over.
Please let me take this time to extend my Sincere,
"Good Wishes to You, & the people who come to your
very fine Bd., for the "Merriest of Christmases," &,
the "Healthiest & Happiest of New Year's!" Also, re-
member, "DON'T DRINK, & DRIVE!"
Hi! Thank you so much for your message and for the information. I will adjust the prices on the page I put up and will add info that people must make sure to give their snail mail address and phone number if contacting you through your web page.
I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2005! :)