Hi. Thank you so much for your message and for your nice Christmas and Holiday wishes. I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas!
Very sorry for the e-mail problems you've had. To everyone who writes to Mr. Bloomberg -- please make sure that you send the proper information to him in the e-mail. If you have any other problems please let me know.
Have a very Merry Christmas! Thank you again for writing. :)
Just finished w/what I thought was the last of my
Dentist visits, but, have to rtn on 1/16/05. It never
ends! "Thanx" for your intercession re the email prob-
lem I was having. It's very much appreciated.
I'll be open over both Xmas & New Year Hols., due to so much time lost in recent illnesses, & upcoming
1/05 Drs. visits.