Hi! Thank you for your message. I looked online but couldn't find any place that had this. If anyone has any information please post. Thanks so much! :)
Mike - I just saw your enquiry from this time last year. I think the music you're referring to is the Gershwin-esque theme that appears over the titles of a few Fox noirs - including, if my memory serves, "I Wake Up Screaming", "Kiss Of Death" and "Cry Of The City". It's by Alfred Newman (who also wrote the famous Fox fanfare) and was, I think, originally composed for a much earlier movie called "Street Scene", which had several musical contributors. "Street Scene" is probably the title you should be looking for. It's a great melody and so evocative that I guess Newman couldn't resist using it again and again. It's almost a signature tune for Vic's movies in that genre at the time.