I just watched the VHS of "Timbuktu" I recently got.
Film should be 91 mins. This Video is 81 mins. There
are some obvious "cuts" to fit a TV format."Cuts" are
disconcerting, but NOT terribly problematical to the
Storyline. Print is roughly a 6 out-of 10. Grainy! It
IS, I believe, the ONLY game in town. Tape is $48.00,
USA, US$53.00 elsewhere, incls. s/h, ck. payable:
Sidney P. Bloomberg. We do NOT Ship to P. O. Boxes, or, Trailer Parks. T Order, pls. go to my Website @:
blsinc.com/partners/bloomberg.htm/ download the "Want
List," fill it out completely, snailmail w/ck. to:
Sidney P. Bloomberg
735 Taylor St., #306
San Francisco, CA 94108-3807