I am a Female with Autism the Aspergers Kind that Loves Church Bells-Carillons-Electronic Carillons Especially the Maas-Rowe Carillons and I am wondering Can a Maas-Rowe Digital Chronobell CD Based Carillon do things like Angelus Chimes (Call To Worship Chimes), Bell Peals like 8 Bell Peals and 16 Bell Peals, Swinging Bells and Funeral Bells . I am wondering How can I Hear a Maas-Rowe Digital Chronobell CD Based Carillon do things Like Angelus Chimes, Bell Peals like 8 Bell Peals and 16 Bell Peals, Swinging Bells, and Funeral Bells In Charlotte, North Carolina I have been Looking all over the internet for a While doing posts in places like groups about Autism etc... about wanting the Chance to Hear Angelus Chimes (Call to worship Chimes, Bell Peals like 8 Bell Peals and 16 Bell Peals, Swinging Bells and Funeral Bells from a Maas-Rowe Digital Chronobell CD Based Carillon in Charlotte, North Carolina. I would appreciate it if there was someone Nice enough that works on the Maas-Rowe Electronic Carillons to let me Hear Angelus Chimes (Call to worship Chimes),Bell Peals like 8 Bell Peals and 16 Bell Peals, Swinging Bells and Funeral Bells. I will let you know I have loved Church Bells-Carillons-Electronic Carillons ever since I was 9 Years Old. Please message me